Datatable 'Frozen Columns Scrollbar Missing'

(Bokeh_3…4.1/Python_3.12.3/Windows10 )

Datatable’s Frozen Columns Scrollbar is Missing.
Its a stacked layout , with the highest width on this particular datatable.
Instead a horizontal scrollbar is provided for the entire page.

data_table = DataTable(source = src,columns=_table_columns, width=3500, height=800,frozen_columns=4)


@srt111 there is nothing we can do or speculate about without a complete Minimal Reproducible Example that can be copy and pasted and run, as-is with no modifications, to reproduce the issue.

**REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE : Data is fetched from a csv and contains null values formatted to None(for numbers) and ’ '(for strings) **

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataTable, TableColumn, CustomJS, TextInput, Button,Div
from import show, output_file
from bokeh.layouts import column, row

def datadict_sample():
    data_dict = {'date': ['2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26'], 'Day': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Participant': ['Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change'], 'Future Index Long': [388516, 12415, 80231, 10418, 275278, -4358, 78567, -15907, 822592, 2568, 363843, -24673, 81263, 1032, 283734, 8456, 72675, -5892, 801515, -21077, 375085, 11242, 80860, -403, 281160, -2574, 79139, 6464, 816244, 14729, 369050, -6035, 80787, -73, 283337, 2177, 82988, 372036, 2986, 80703, -84, 291135, 7798, 86145, 3157, 830019, 13857, 364715, -7321, 80516, -187, 308522, 17387, 79687, -6458, 833440, 3421], 'Future Index Short': [317484, -76, 151689, -2000, 275628, 251, 77791, 4393, 822592, 2568, 327975, 10491, 147489, -4200, 257500, -18128, 68551, -9240, 801515, -21077, 334124, 6149, 147489, 0, 263392, 5892, 71239, 2688, 816244, 14729, 331943, -2181, 147498, 9, 258468, -4924, 78253, 337614, 5671, 147498, 0, 265518, 7050, 79389, 1136, 830019, 13857, 348870, 11256, 146298, -1200, 251173, -14345, 87099, 7710, 833440, 3421], 'Net Future Index': [71032, 12491, -71458, 12418, -350, -4609, 776, -20300, 0, 0, 35868, -35164, -66226, 5232, 26234, 26584, 4124, 3348, 0, 0, 40961, 5093, -66629, -403, 17768, -8466, 7900, 3776, 0, 0, 37107, -3854, -66711, -82, 24869, 7101, 4735, 34422, -2685, -66795, -84, 25617, 748, 6756, 2021, 0, 0, 15845, -18577, -65782, 1013, 57349, 31732, -7412, -14168, 0, 0], 'Future Stock Long': [7242301, 1944172, 2078, 0, 1383243, 41313, 2045644, 91662, 10673266, 2077147, 6572811, -669490, 2078, 0, 1393095, 9852, 1908534, -137110, 9876518, -796748, 5783153, -789658, 2078, 0, 1325995, -67100, 1688492, -220042, 8799718, -1076800, 4376782, -1406371, 2078, 0, 1009143, -316852, 1509468, 5688440, 1311658, 2078, 0, 1446915, 437772, 1925545, 416077, 9062978, 2165507, 6535564, 847124, 2078, 0, 1678903, 231988, 2191095, 265550, 10407640, 1344662], 'Future Stock Short': [7339969, 1497863, 0, 0, 1308158, 240631, 2025139, 338653, 10673266, 2077147, 6860785, -479184, 0, 0, 1217154, -91004, 1798579, -226560, 9876518, -796748, 6133731, -727054, 0, 0, 1028972, -188182, 1637015, -161564, 8799718, -1076800, 4715721, -1418010, 0, 0, 716861, -312111, 1464889, 6004393, 1288672, 0, 0, 1234325, 517464, 1824260, 359371, 9062978, 2165507, 7023864, 1019471, 0, 0, 1416903, 182578, 1966873, 142613, 10407640, 1344662], 'Net Future Stock': [-97668, 446309, 2078, 0, 75085, -199318, 20505, -246991, 0, 0, -287974, -190306, 2078, 0, 175941, 100856, 109955, 89450, 0, 0, -350578, -62604, 2078, 0, 297023, 121082, 51477, -58478, 0, 0, -338939, 11639, 2078, 0, 292282, -4741, 44579, -315953, 22986, 2078, 0, 212590, -79692, 101285, 56706, 0, 0, -488300, -172347, 2078, 0, 262000, 49410, 224222, 122937, 0, 0], 'Option Index Call Long': [6496519, 348589, 352599, -2500, 1663947, -25893, 2030624, -53922, 10543689, 266274, 7297752, 801233, 352599, 0, 1810866, 146919, 2007469, -23155, 11468686, 924997, 6299637, -998115, 355099, 2500, 1772511, -38355, 1796964, -210505, 10224211, -1244475, 4642934, -1656703, 355099, 0, 1436608, -335903, 1661891, 5336193, 693259, 447870, 92771, 1817534, 380926, 1949952, 288061, 9551549, 1455017, 6880616, 1544423, 448370, 500, 2004639, 187105, 2020037, 70085, 11353662, 1802113], 'Option Index Call Short': [7149756, 371477, 0, 0, 1317735, 23736, 2076198, -128939, 10543689, 266274, 7800169, 650413, 0, 0, 1413656, 95921, 2254861, 178663, 11468686, 924997, 6927346, -872823, 0, 0, 1289901, -123755, 2006964, -247897, 10224211, -1244475, 5318498, -1608848, 0, 0, 995407, -294494, 1782627, 6172487, 853989, 0, 0, 1414598, 419191, 1964464, 181837, 9551549, 1455017, 7586580, 1414093, 0, 0, 1492532, 77934, 2274550, 310086, 11353662, 1802113], 'Net Option Index Call': [-653237, -22888, 352599, -2500, 346212, -49629, -45574, 75017, 0, 0, -502417, 150820, 352599, 0, 397210, 50998, -247392, -201818, 0, 0, -627709, -125292, 355099, 2500, 482610, 85400, -210000, 37392, 0, 0, -675564, -47855, 355099, 0, 441201, -41409, -120736, -836294, -160730, 447870, 92771, 402936, -38265, -14512, 106224, 0, 0, -705964, 130330, 448370, 500, 512107, 109171, -254513, -240001, 0, 0], 'Option Index Put Long': [2282331, 32306, 180402, 11304, 2383138, 1540, 667598, -310, 5513469, 44840, 2263041, -19290, 190174, 9772, 2396442, 13304, 678956, 11358, 5528613, 15144, 2295380, 32339, 196161, 5987, 2424031, 27589, 706816, 27860, 5622388, 93775, 2308894, 13514, 189026, -7135, 2399669, -24362, 737392, 2319652, 10758, 181491, -7535, 2426009, 26340, 747339, 9947, 5674491, 39510, 2298803, -20849, 182600, 1109, 2460692, 34683, 725509, -21830, 5667604, -6887], 'Option Index Put Short': [331727, 12974, 3097588, 12153, 1795311, -807, 288843, 20520, 5513469, 44840, 329357, -2370, 3116749, 19161, 1774784, -20527, 307723, 18880, 5528613, 15144, 338270, 8913, 3152514, 35765, 1799344, 24560, 332260, 24537, 5622388, 93775, 330532, -7738, 3160045, 7531, 1801526, 2182, 342878, 328603, -1929, 3166333, 6288, 1803896, 2370, 375659, 32781, 5674491, 39510, 325133, -3470, 3180125, 13792, 1792194, -11702, 370152, -5507, 5667604, -6887], 'Net Option Index Put': [1950604, 19332, -2917186, -849, 587827, 2347, 378755, -20830, 0, 0, 1933684, -16920, -2926575, -9389, 621658, 33831, 371233, -7522, 0, 0, 1957110, 23426, -2956353, -29778, 624687, 3029, 374556, 3323, 0, 0, 1978362, 21252, -2971019, -14666, 598143, -26544, 394514, 1991049, 12687, -2984842, -13823, 622113, 23970, 371680, -22834, 0, 0, 1973670, -17379, -2997525, -12683, 668498, 46385, 355357, -16323, 0, 0], 'Option Stock Call Long': [2430329, 88811, 346, -22, 126647, 2678, 575191, 4885, 3132513, 96352, 2397946, -32383, 330, -16, 138342, 11695, 598132, 22941, 3134750, 2237, 2393003, -4943, 330, 0, 153628, 15286, 606588, 8456, 3153549, 18799, 2441390, 48387, 372, 42, 154119, 491, 621709, 2365990, -75400, 364, -8, 154931, 812, 647726, 26017, 3169011, -48579, 2213467, -152523, 430, 66, 158155, 3224, 681584, 33858, 3053636, -115375], 'Option Stock Call Short': [1302496, 32621, 255616, 3090, 336563, 7680, 1237838, 52961, 3132513, 96352, 1306674, 4178, 259712, 4096, 330804, -5759, 1237560, -278, 3134750, 2237, 1317978, 11304, 261226, 1514, 328341, -2463, 1246004, 8444, 3153549, 18799, 1339970, 21992, 269802, 8576, 330217, 1876, 1277601, 1316809, -23161, 268727, -1075, 335622, 5405, 1247853, -29748, 3169011, -48579, 1264200, -52609, 258667, -10060, 323755, -11867, 1207014, -40839, 3053636, -115375], 'Net Option Stock Call': [1127833, 56190, -255270, -3112, -209916, -5002, -662647, -48076, 0, 0, 1091272, -36561, -259382, -4112, -192462, 17454, -639428, 23219, 0, 0, 1075025, -16247, -260896, -1514, -174713, 17749, -639416, 12, 0, 0, 1101420, 26395, -269430, -8534, -176098, -1385, -655892, 1049181, -52239, -268363, 1067, -180691, -4593, -600127, 55765, 0, 0, 949267, -99914, -258237, 10126, -165600, 15091, -525430, 74697, 0, 0], 'Option Stock Put Long': [837533, 39360, 0, 0, 163791, 2072, 738712, 10706, 1740036, 52138, 863125, 25592, 0, 0, 166258, 2467, 738474, -238, 1767857, 27821, 880836, 17711, 0, 0, 173845, 7587, 744654, 6180, 1799335, 31478, 893195, 12359, 0, 0, 181866, 8021, 755506, 887296, -5899, 0, 0, 189370, 7504, 765896, 10390, 1842562, 11995, 895224, 7928, 0, 0, 193510, 4140, 750150, -15746, 1838884, -3678], 'Option Stock Put Short': [979428, 18198, 0, 0, 240355, 9280, 520253, 24660, 1740036, 52138, 989697, 10269, 0, 0, 239594, -761, 538566, 18313, 1767857, 27821, 1004407, 14710, 0, 0, 239302, -292, 555626, 17060, 1799335, 31478, 1021177, 16770, 0, 0, 238877, -425, 570513, 1020680, -497, 0, 0, 242865, 3988, 579017, 8504, 1842562, 11995, 996610, -24070, 0, 0, 239380, -3485, 602894, 23877, 1838884, -3678], 'Net Option Stock Put': [-141895, 21162, 0, 0, -76564, -7208, 218459, -13954, 0, 0, -126572, 15323, 0, 0, -73336, 3228, 199908, -18551, 0, 0, -123571, 3001, 0, 0, -65457, 7879, 189028, -10880, 0, 0, -127982, -4411, 0, 0, -57011, 8446, 184993, -133384, -5402, 0, 0, -53495, 3516, 186879, 1886, 0, 0, -101386, 31998, 0, 0, -45870, 7625, 147256, -39623, 0, 0], 'Total Long Contracts': [19677529, 2465653, 615656, 19200, 5996044, 17352, 6136336, 37114, 32425565, 2539319, 19758518, 80989, 626444, 10788, 6188737, 192693, 6004240, -132096, 32577939, 152374, 18027094, -1731424, 634528, 8084, 6131170, -57567, 5622653, -381587, 30415445, -2162494, 15032245, -2994849, 627362, -7166, 5464742, -666428, 5368954, 16969607, 1937362, 712506, 85144, 6325894, 861152, 6122603, 753649, 30130610, 3637307, 19188389, 2218782, 713994, 1488, 6804421, 478527, 6448062, 325459, 33154866, 3024256], 'Total Short Contracts': [17420860, 1933057, 3504893, 13243, 5273750, 280771, 6226062, 312248, 32425565, 2539319, 17614657, 193797, 3523950, 19057, 5233492, -40258, 6205840, -20222, 32577939, 152374, 16055856, -1558801, 3561229, 37279, 4949252, -284240, 5849108, -356732, 30415445, -2162494, 13057841, -2998015, 3577345, 16116, 4341356, -607896, 5516761, 15180586, 2122745, 3582558, 5213, 5296824, 955468, 6070642, 553881, 30130610, 3637307, 17545257, 2364671, 3585090, 2532, 5515937, 219113, 6508582, 437940, 33154866, 3024256], 'Net Total Contracts': [2256669, 532596, -2889237, 5957, 722294, -263419, -89726, -275134, 0, 0, 2143861, -112808, -2897506, -8269, 955245, 232951, -201600, -111874, 0, 0, 1971238, -172623, -2926701, -29195, 1181918, 226673, -226455, -24855, 0, 0, 1974404, 3166, -2949983, -23282, 1123386, -58532, -147807, 1789021, -185383, -2870052, 79931, 1029070, -94316, 51961, 199768, 0, 0, 1643132, -145889, -2871096, -1044, 1288484, 259414, -60520, -112481, 0, 0], 'IdxFutDistNet_Pct': ['49.46', None, '-49.76', None, '-0.24', None, '0.54', None, None, None, '27.08', None, '-50.0', None, '19.81', None, '3.11', None, None, None, '30.74', None, '-50.0', None, '13.33', None, '5.93', None, None, None, '27.81', None, '-50.0', None, '18.64', None, '3.55', '25.77', None, '-50.0', None, '19.18', None, '5.06', None, None, None, '10.82', None, '-44.94', None, '39.18', None, '-5.06', None, None, None], 'IdxFutDistOve_Pct': ['42.91', None, '14.1', None, '33.49', None, '9.5', None, None, None, '43.16', None, '14.27', None, '33.76', None, '8.81', None, None, None, '43.44', None, '13.99', None, '33.36', None, '9.21', None, None, None, '42.94', None, '13.99', None, '33.19', None, '9.88', '42.75', None, '13.75', None, '33.53', None, '9.97', None, None, None, '42.81', None, '13.61', None, '33.58', None, '10.01', None, None, None], 'IdxFut_LongChg_Pct(I)': ['3.3', None, '14.92', None, '-1.56', None, '-16.84', None, None, None, '-6.35', None, '1.29', None, '3.07', None, '-7.5', None, None, None, '3.09', None, '-0.5', None, '-0.91', None, '8.89', None, None, None, '-1.61', None, '-0.09', None, '0.77', None, '4.86', '0.81', None, '-0.1', None, '2.75', None, '3.8', None, None, None, '-1.97', None, '-0.23', None, '5.97', None, '-7.5', None, None, None], 'IdxFutShortChg_Pct(I)': ['-0.02', None, '-1.3', None, '0.09', None, '5.99', None, None, None, '3.3', None, '-2.77', None, '-6.58', None, '-11.88', None, None, None, '1.87', None, '0.0', None, '2.29', None, '3.92', None, None, None, '-0.65', None, '0.01', None, '-1.87', None, '9.85', '1.71', None, '0.0', None, '2.73', None, '1.45', None, None, None, '3.33', None, '-0.81', None, '-5.4', None, '9.71', None, None, None], 'Idx_Fut_Long/Short(O)': ['55.03', None, '34.59', None, '49.97', None, '50.25', None, None, None, '52.59', None, '35.52', None, '52.42', None, '51.46', None, None, None, '52.89', None, '35.41', None, '51.63', None, '52.63', None, None, None, '52.65', None, '35.39', None, '52.3', None, '51.47', '52.43', None, '35.36', None, '52.3', None, '52.04', None, None, None, '51.11', None, '35.5', None, '55.12', None, '47.78', None, None, None], 'StkFut_Long/Short_Pct(O)': ['49.67', None, '100.0', None, '51.39', None, '50.25', None, None, None, '48.93', None, '100.0', None, '53.37', None, '51.48', None, None, None, '48.53', None, '100.0', None, '56.31', None, '50.77', None, None, None, '48.14', None, '100.0', None, '58.47', None, '50.75', '48.65', None, '100.0', None, '53.96', None, '51.35', None, None, None, '48.2', None, '100.0', None, '54.23', None, '52.7', None, None, None], 'IdxCall_lsr_Pct(O)': ['47.61', None, '100.0', None, '55.81', None, '49.45', None, None, None, '48.34', None, '100.0', None, '56.16', None, '47.1', None, None, None, '47.63', None, '100.0', None, '57.88', None, '47.24', None, None, None, '46.61', None, '100.0', None, '59.07', None, '48.25', '46.37', None, '100.0', None, '56.23', None, '49.81', None, None, None, '47.56', None, '100.0', None, '57.32', None, '47.04', None, None, None], 'IdxPut_lsr_Pct(O)': ['87.31', None, '5.5', None, '57.03', None, '69.8', None, None, None, '87.3', None, '5.75', None, '57.45', None, '68.81', None, None, None, '87.16', None, '5.86', None, '57.4', None, '68.02', None, None, None, '87.48', None, '5.64', None, '57.12', None, '68.26', '87.59', None, '5.42', None, '57.35', None, '66.55', None, None, None, '87.61', None, '5.43', None, '57.86', None, '66.22', None, None, None], 'StkCall_lsr_Pct(O)': ['65.11', None, '0.14', None, '27.34', None, '31.73', None, None, None, '64.73', None, '0.13', None, '29.49', None, '32.58', None, None, None, '64.48', None, '0.13', None, '31.88', None, '32.74', None, None, None, '64.56', None, '0.14', None, '31.82', None, '32.73', '64.24', None, '0.14', None, '31.58', None, '34.17', None, None, None, '63.65', None, '0.17', None, '32.82', None, '36.09', None, None, None], 'StkPut_lsr_Pct(O)': ['46.1', None, '0.0', None, '40.53', None, '58.68', None, None, None, '46.58', None, '0.0', None, '40.97', None, '57.83', None, None, None, '46.72', None, '0.0', None, '42.08', None, '57.27', None, None, None, '46.66', None, '0.0', None, '43.22', None, '56.98', '46.5', None, '0.0', None, '43.81', None, '56.95', None, None, None, '47.32', None, '0.0', None, '44.7', None, '55.44', None, None, None], 'Total_lsr_Pct': ['53.04', None, '14.94', None, '53.2', None, '49.64', None, None, None, '52.87', None, '15.09', None, '54.18', None, '49.17', None, None, None, '52.89', None, '15.12', None, '55.33', None, '49.01', None, None, None, '53.51', None, '14.92', None, '55.73', None, '49.32', '52.78', None, '16.59', None, '54.43', None, '50.21', None, None, None, '52.24', None, '16.61', None, '55.23', None, '49.77', None, None, None], 'nifty50_pct': [None, None, None, None, '0.13', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.51', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.29', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.17', None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.05', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.76', None, None, None, None, None], 'nifty50': [None, None, None, None, '24573', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '24699', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '24770', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '24812', None, None, None, None, None, None, '24823', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '25011', None, None, None, None, None], 'spx_pct': [None, None, None, None, '0.97', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '-0.2', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.42', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '-0.9', None, None, None, None, None, None, '1.16', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '-0.32', None, None, None, None, None], 'spx': [None, None, None, None, '5608', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5597', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5621', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5570', None, None, None, None, None, None, '5635', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5617', None, None, None, None, None], 'FiiCash_net(e7)': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'Cash_net(e7)': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'notes': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']}

    return data_dict

def datatable_func(dict_data):

    # Define table columns with HTMLTemplateFormatter applied to each column
    _table_columns = [
        TableColumn(field="date", title="date", width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Day", title="Day", width=20),
        TableColumn(field="Participant", title="Participant"),
        TableColumn(field="Future Index Long", title="Future Index Long",),
        TableColumn(field="Future Index Short", title="Future Index Short",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Future Index", title="Net Future Index",),
        TableColumn(field="Future Stock Long", title="Future Stock Long",),
        TableColumn(field="Future Stock Short", title="Future Stock Short",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Future Stock", title="Net Future Stock",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Call Long", title="Option Index Call Long",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Call Short", title="Option Index Call Short",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Index Call", title="Net Option Index Call",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Put Long", title="Option Index Put Long",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Put Short", title="Option Index Put Short",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Index Put", title="Net Option Index Put",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Call Long", title="Option Stock Call Long",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Call Short", title="Option Stock Call Short",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Stock Call", title="Net Option Stock Call",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Put Long", title="Option Stock Put Long",),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Put Short", title="Option Stock Put Short",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Stock Put", title="Net Option Stock Put",),
        TableColumn(field="Total Long Contracts", title="Total Long Contracts",),
        TableColumn(field="Total Short Contracts", title="Total Short Contracts",),
        TableColumn(field="Net Total Contracts", title="Net Total Contracts",),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFutDistNet_Pct", title="IdxFutDistNet_Pct",),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFutDistOve_Pct", title="IdxFutDistOve_Pct",),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFut_LongChg_Pct(I)", title="IdxFut_LongChg_Pct(I)",),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFutShortChg_Pct(I)", title="IdxFutShortChg_Pct(I)",),
        TableColumn(field="Idx_Fut_Long/Short(O)", title="Idx_Fut_Long/Short(O)",),
        TableColumn(field="StkFut_Long/Short_Pct(O)", title="StkFut_Long/Short_Pct(O)",),
        TableColumn(field="IdxCall_lsr_Pct(O)", title="IdxCall_lsr_Pct(O)",),
        TableColumn(field="IdxPut_lsr_Pct(O)", title="IdxPut_lsr_Pct(O)",),
        TableColumn(field="StkCall_lsr_Pct(O)", title="StkCall_lsr_Pct(O)",),
        TableColumn(field="StkPut_lsr_Pct(O)", title="StkPut_lsr_Pct(O)",),
        TableColumn(field="Total_lsr_Pct", title="Total_lsr_Pct",),
        TableColumn(field="nifty50_pct", title="nifty50_pct"),
        TableColumn(field="nifty50", title="nifty50"),
        TableColumn(field="spx_pct", title="spx_pct"),
        TableColumn(field="spx", title="spx"),
        TableColumn(field="FiiCash_net(e7)", title="FiiCash_net(e7)"),
        TableColumn(field="Cash_net(e7)", title="Cash_net(e7)"),
        TableColumn(field="notes", title="notes"),

    src = ColumnDataSource(dict_data)
    data_table = DataTable(source=src, columns=_table_columns, width=1700, height=850, frozen_columns=4)

    title = Div(text=f"""<h1>SCROLLBAR MISSING : Data is fetched from a csv and contains null values formatted to None(for numbers) and ''(for strings) </h1>""", width_policy = 'auto', height=30,margin = 25)

    layout = column(title, data_table)


scrollable_table = datadict_sample()

Hi,is this a bug?Should this be posted on github?

When using tables with null values the frozen_columns_scrollbar goes missing ,however the scrollbar works fine for a fully populated table with no null values.

I’m either misunderstanding your expectations, or not seeing anything wrong:

  • with a width of 1700 the table does not have a scrollbar, because the entire table fits in that width. But the page can have a scrollbar, certainly, if it is not 1700 pixels wide.

  • With a smaller width, say 1200, then the table itself has a scroll bar, because the entire table does not fit inside that width. Whether the page has a scrollbar again depends entirely how wide the page is relative to the table width.

All of that seems expected. This with Bokeh 3.5.x if you are seeing something different with 3.4 then my first suggestion is to try the latest release version. If you are still seeing something you don’t think is right then you will need to explain your expectation vs what you are seeing (annotating screenshots might help here).

Column_width shrinks with shortened Table_width’,this results in unreadable data as the data is cutoff as there is not ample space to fit the data.

Below are 2 examples with shortened table_width and extended table_width.
Width of tablecolumns = 500 is only seen with extended table_width but the column_width shrinks when the table_width is shortened.

def datadicttable_func():
    data_dict = {'date': ['2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-19', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-20', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-21', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-22', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-23', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26', '2024-08-26'], 'Day': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Participant': ['Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change', 'Client', 'Change', 'DII', 'Change', 'FII', 'Change', 'Pro', 'Change', 'TOTAL', 'Change'], 'Future Index Long': [388516, 12415, 80231, 10418, 275278, -4358, 78567, -15907, 822592, 2568, 363843, -24673, 81263, 1032, 283734, 8456, 72675, -5892, 801515, -21077, 375085, 11242, 80860, -403, 281160, -2574, 79139, 6464, 816244, 14729, 369050, -6035, 80787, -73, 283337, 2177, 82988, 372036, 2986, 80703, -84, 291135, 7798, 86145, 3157, 830019, 13857, 364715, -7321, 80516, -187, 308522, 17387, 79687, -6458, 833440, 3421], 'Future Index Short': [317484, -76, 151689, -2000, 275628, 251, 77791, 4393, 822592, 2568, 327975, 10491, 147489, -4200, 257500, -18128, 68551, -9240, 801515, -21077, 334124, 6149, 147489, 0, 263392, 5892, 71239, 2688, 816244, 14729, 331943, -2181, 147498, 9, 258468, -4924, 78253, 337614, 5671, 147498, 0, 265518, 7050, 79389, 1136, 830019, 13857, 348870, 11256, 146298, -1200, 251173, -14345, 87099, 7710, 833440, 3421], 'Net Future Index': [71032, 12491, -71458, 12418, -350, -4609, 776, -20300, 0, 0, 35868, -35164, -66226, 5232, 26234, 26584, 4124, 3348, 0, 0, 40961, 5093, -66629, -403, 17768, -8466, 7900, 3776, 0, 0, 37107, -3854, -66711, -82, 24869, 7101, 4735, 34422, -2685, -66795, -84, 25617, 748, 6756, 2021, 0, 0, 15845, -18577, -65782, 1013, 57349, 31732, -7412, -14168, 0, 0], 'Future Stock Long': [7242301, 1944172, 2078, 0, 1383243, 41313, 2045644, 91662, 10673266, 2077147, 6572811, -669490, 2078, 0, 1393095, 9852, 1908534, -137110, 9876518, -796748, 5783153, -789658, 2078, 0, 1325995, -67100, 1688492, -220042, 8799718, -1076800, 4376782, -1406371, 2078, 0, 1009143, -316852, 1509468, 5688440, 1311658, 2078, 0, 1446915, 437772, 1925545, 416077, 9062978, 2165507, 6535564, 847124, 2078, 0, 1678903, 231988, 2191095, 265550, 10407640, 1344662], 'Future Stock Short': [7339969, 1497863, 0, 0, 1308158, 240631, 2025139, 338653, 10673266, 2077147, 6860785, -479184, 0, 0, 1217154, -91004, 1798579, -226560, 9876518, -796748, 6133731, -727054, 0, 0, 1028972, -188182, 1637015, -161564, 8799718, -1076800, 4715721, -1418010, 0, 0, 716861, -312111, 1464889, 6004393, 1288672, 0, 0, 1234325, 517464, 1824260, 359371, 9062978, 2165507, 7023864, 1019471, 0, 0, 1416903, 182578, 1966873, 142613, 10407640, 1344662], 'Net Future Stock': [-97668, 446309, 2078, 0, 75085, -199318, 20505, -246991, 0, 0, -287974, -190306, 2078, 0, 175941, 100856, 109955, 89450, 0, 0, -350578, -62604, 2078, 0, 297023, 121082, 51477, -58478, 0, 0, -338939, 11639, 2078, 0, 292282, -4741, 44579, -315953, 22986, 2078, 0, 212590, -79692, 101285, 56706, 0, 0, -488300, -172347, 2078, 0, 262000, 49410, 224222, 122937, 0, 0], 'Option Index Call Long': [6496519, 348589, 352599, -2500, 1663947, -25893, 2030624, -53922, 10543689, 266274, 7297752, 801233, 352599, 0, 1810866, 146919, 2007469, -23155, 11468686, 924997, 6299637, -998115, 355099, 2500, 1772511, -38355, 1796964, -210505, 10224211, -1244475, 4642934, -1656703, 355099, 0, 1436608, -335903, 1661891, 5336193, 693259, 447870, 92771, 1817534, 380926, 1949952, 288061, 9551549, 1455017, 6880616, 1544423, 448370, 500, 2004639, 187105, 2020037, 70085, 11353662, 1802113], 'Option Index Call Short': [7149756, 371477, 0, 0, 1317735, 23736, 2076198, -128939, 10543689, 266274, 7800169, 650413, 0, 0, 1413656, 95921, 2254861, 178663, 11468686, 924997, 6927346, -872823, 0, 0, 1289901, -123755, 2006964, -247897, 10224211, -1244475, 5318498, -1608848, 0, 0, 995407, -294494, 1782627, 6172487, 853989, 0, 0, 1414598, 419191, 1964464, 181837, 9551549, 1455017, 7586580, 1414093, 0, 0, 1492532, 77934, 2274550, 310086, 11353662, 1802113], 'Net Option Index Call': [-653237, -22888, 352599, -2500, 346212, -49629, -45574, 75017, 0, 0, -502417, 150820, 352599, 0, 397210, 50998, -247392, -201818, 0, 0, -627709, -125292, 355099, 2500, 482610, 85400, -210000, 37392, 0, 0, -675564, -47855, 355099, 0, 441201, -41409, -120736, -836294, -160730, 447870, 92771, 402936, -38265, -14512, 106224, 0, 0, -705964, 130330, 448370, 500, 512107, 109171, -254513, -240001, 0, 0], 'Option Index Put Long': [2282331, 32306, 180402, 11304, 2383138, 1540, 667598, -310, 5513469, 44840, 2263041, -19290, 190174, 9772, 2396442, 13304, 678956, 11358, 5528613, 15144, 2295380, 32339, 196161, 5987, 2424031, 27589, 706816, 27860, 5622388, 93775, 2308894, 13514, 189026, -7135, 2399669, -24362, 737392, 2319652, 10758, 181491, -7535, 2426009, 26340, 747339, 9947, 5674491, 39510, 2298803, -20849, 182600, 1109, 2460692, 34683, 725509, -21830, 5667604, -6887], 'Option Index Put Short': [331727, 12974, 3097588, 12153, 1795311, -807, 288843, 20520, 5513469, 44840, 329357, -2370, 3116749, 19161, 1774784, -20527, 307723, 18880, 5528613, 15144, 338270, 8913, 3152514, 35765, 1799344, 24560, 332260, 24537, 5622388, 93775, 330532, -7738, 3160045, 7531, 1801526, 2182, 342878, 328603, -1929, 3166333, 6288, 1803896, 2370, 375659, 32781, 5674491, 39510, 325133, -3470, 3180125, 13792, 1792194, -11702, 370152, -5507, 5667604, -6887], 'Net Option Index Put': [1950604, 19332, -2917186, -849, 587827, 2347, 378755, -20830, 0, 0, 1933684, -16920, -2926575, -9389, 621658, 33831, 371233, -7522, 0, 0, 1957110, 23426, -2956353, -29778, 624687, 3029, 374556, 3323, 0, 0, 1978362, 21252, -2971019, -14666, 598143, -26544, 394514, 1991049, 12687, -2984842, -13823, 622113, 23970, 371680, -22834, 0, 0, 1973670, -17379, -2997525, -12683, 668498, 46385, 355357, -16323, 0, 0], 'Option Stock Call Long': [2430329, 88811, 346, -22, 126647, 2678, 575191, 4885, 3132513, 96352, 2397946, -32383, 330, -16, 138342, 11695, 598132, 22941, 3134750, 2237, 2393003, -4943, 330, 0, 153628, 15286, 606588, 8456, 3153549, 18799, 2441390, 48387, 372, 42, 154119, 491, 621709, 2365990, -75400, 364, -8, 154931, 812, 647726, 26017, 3169011, -48579, 2213467, -152523, 430, 66, 158155, 3224, 681584, 33858, 3053636, -115375], 'Option Stock Call Short': [1302496, 32621, 255616, 3090, 336563, 7680, 1237838, 52961, 3132513, 96352, 1306674, 4178, 259712, 4096, 330804, -5759, 1237560, -278, 3134750, 2237, 1317978, 11304, 261226, 1514, 328341, -2463, 1246004, 8444, 3153549, 18799, 1339970, 21992, 269802, 8576, 330217, 1876, 1277601, 1316809, -23161, 268727, -1075, 335622, 5405, 1247853, -29748, 3169011, -48579, 1264200, -52609, 258667, -10060, 323755, -11867, 1207014, -40839, 3053636, -115375], 'Net Option Stock Call': [1127833, 56190, -255270, -3112, -209916, -5002, -662647, -48076, 0, 0, 1091272, -36561, -259382, -4112, -192462, 17454, -639428, 23219, 0, 0, 1075025, -16247, -260896, -1514, -174713, 17749, -639416, 12, 0, 0, 1101420, 26395, -269430, -8534, -176098, -1385, -655892, 1049181, -52239, -268363, 1067, -180691, -4593, -600127, 55765, 0, 0, 949267, -99914, -258237, 10126, -165600, 15091, -525430, 74697, 0, 0], 'Option Stock Put Long': [837533, 39360, 0, 0, 163791, 2072, 738712, 10706, 1740036, 52138, 863125, 25592, 0, 0, 166258, 2467, 738474, -238, 1767857, 27821, 880836, 17711, 0, 0, 173845, 7587, 744654, 6180, 1799335, 31478, 893195, 12359, 0, 0, 181866, 8021, 755506, 887296, -5899, 0, 0, 189370, 7504, 765896, 10390, 1842562, 11995, 895224, 7928, 0, 0, 193510, 4140, 750150, -15746, 1838884, -3678], 'Option Stock Put Short': [979428, 18198, 0, 0, 240355, 9280, 520253, 24660, 1740036, 52138, 989697, 10269, 0, 0, 239594, -761, 538566, 18313, 1767857, 27821, 1004407, 14710, 0, 0, 239302, -292, 555626, 17060, 1799335, 31478, 1021177, 16770, 0, 0, 238877, -425, 570513, 1020680, -497, 0, 0, 242865, 3988, 579017, 8504, 1842562, 11995, 996610, -24070, 0, 0, 239380, -3485, 602894, 23877, 1838884, -3678], 'Net Option Stock Put': [-141895, 21162, 0, 0, -76564, -7208, 218459, -13954, 0, 0, -126572, 15323, 0, 0, -73336, 3228, 199908, -18551, 0, 0, -123571, 3001, 0, 0, -65457, 7879, 189028, -10880, 0, 0, -127982, -4411, 0, 0, -57011, 8446, 184993, -133384, -5402, 0, 0, -53495, 3516, 186879, 1886, 0, 0, -101386, 31998, 0, 0, -45870, 7625, 147256, -39623, 0, 0], 'Total Long Contracts': [19677529, 2465653, 615656, 19200, 5996044, 17352, 6136336, 37114, 32425565, 2539319, 19758518, 80989, 626444, 10788, 6188737, 192693, 6004240, -132096, 32577939, 152374, 18027094, -1731424, 634528, 8084, 6131170, -57567, 5622653, -381587, 30415445, -2162494, 15032245, -2994849, 627362, -7166, 5464742, -666428, 5368954, 16969607, 1937362, 712506, 85144, 6325894, 861152, 6122603, 753649, 30130610, 3637307, 19188389, 2218782, 713994, 1488, 6804421, 478527, 6448062, 325459, 33154866, 3024256], 'Total Short Contracts': [17420860, 1933057, 3504893, 13243, 5273750, 280771, 6226062, 312248, 32425565, 2539319, 17614657, 193797, 3523950, 19057, 5233492, -40258, 6205840, -20222, 32577939, 152374, 16055856, -1558801, 3561229, 37279, 4949252, -284240, 5849108, -356732, 30415445, -2162494, 13057841, -2998015, 3577345, 16116, 4341356, -607896, 5516761, 15180586, 2122745, 3582558, 5213, 5296824, 955468, 6070642, 553881, 30130610, 3637307, 17545257, 2364671, 3585090, 2532, 5515937, 219113, 6508582, 437940, 33154866, 3024256], 'Net Total Contracts': [2256669, 532596, -2889237, 5957, 722294, -263419, -89726, -275134, 0, 0, 2143861, -112808, -2897506, -8269, 955245, 232951, -201600, -111874, 0, 0, 1971238, -172623, -2926701, -29195, 1181918, 226673, -226455, -24855, 0, 0, 1974404, 3166, -2949983, -23282, 1123386, -58532, -147807, 1789021, -185383, -2870052, 79931, 1029070, -94316, 51961, 199768, 0, 0, 1643132, -145889, -2871096, -1044, 1288484, 259414, -60520, -112481, 0, 0], 'IdxFutDistNet_Pct': ['49.46', None, '-49.76', None, '-0.24', None, '0.54', None, None, None, '27.08', None, '-50.0', None, '19.81', None, '3.11', None, None, None, '30.74', None, '-50.0', None, '13.33', None, '5.93', None, None, None, '27.81', None, '-50.0', None, '18.64', None, '3.55', '25.77', None, '-50.0', None, '19.18', None, '5.06', None, None, None, '10.82', None, '-44.94', None, '39.18', None, '-5.06', None, None, None], 'IdxFutDistOve_Pct': ['42.91', None, '14.1', None, '33.49', None, '9.5', None, None, None, '43.16', None, '14.27', None, '33.76', None, '8.81', None, None, None, '43.44', None, '13.99', None, '33.36', None, '9.21', None, None, None, '42.94', None, '13.99', None, '33.19', None, '9.88', '42.75', None, '13.75', None, '33.53', None, '9.97', None, None, None, '42.81', None, '13.61', None, '33.58', None, '10.01', None, None, None], 'IdxFut_LongChg_Pct(I)': ['3.3', None, '14.92', None, '-1.56', None, '-16.84', None, None, None, '-6.35', None, '1.29', None, '3.07', None, '-7.5', None, None, None, '3.09', None, '-0.5', None, '-0.91', None, '8.89', None, None, None, '-1.61', None, '-0.09', None, '0.77', None, '4.86', '0.81', None, '-0.1', None, '2.75', None, '3.8', None, None, None, '-1.97', None, '-0.23', None, '5.97', None, '-7.5', None, None, None], 'IdxFutShortChg_Pct(I)': ['-0.02', None, '-1.3', None, '0.09', None, '5.99', None, None, None, '3.3', None, '-2.77', None, '-6.58', None, '-11.88', None, None, None, '1.87', None, '0.0', None, '2.29', None, '3.92', None, None, None, '-0.65', None, '0.01', None, '-1.87', None, '9.85', '1.71', None, '0.0', None, '2.73', None, '1.45', None, None, None, '3.33', None, '-0.81', None, '-5.4', None, '9.71', None, None, None], 'Idx_Fut_Long/Short(O)': ['55.03', None, '34.59', None, '49.97', None, '50.25', None, None, None, '52.59', None, '35.52', None, '52.42', None, '51.46', None, None, None, '52.89', None, '35.41', None, '51.63', None, '52.63', None, None, None, '52.65', None, '35.39', None, '52.3', None, '51.47', '52.43', None, '35.36', None, '52.3', None, '52.04', None, None, None, '51.11', None, '35.5', None, '55.12', None, '47.78', None, None, None], 'StkFut_Long/Short_Pct(O)': ['49.67', None, '100.0', None, '51.39', None, '50.25', None, None, None, '48.93', None, '100.0', None, '53.37', None, '51.48', None, None, None, '48.53', None, '100.0', None, '56.31', None, '50.77', None, None, None, '48.14', None, '100.0', None, '58.47', None, '50.75', '48.65', None, '100.0', None, '53.96', None, '51.35', None, None, None, '48.2', None, '100.0', None, '54.23', None, '52.7', None, None, None], 'IdxCall_lsr_Pct(O)': ['47.61', None, '100.0', None, '55.81', None, '49.45', None, None, None, '48.34', None, '100.0', None, '56.16', None, '47.1', None, None, None, '47.63', None, '100.0', None, '57.88', None, '47.24', None, None, None, '46.61', None, '100.0', None, '59.07', None, '48.25', '46.37', None, '100.0', None, '56.23', None, '49.81', None, None, None, '47.56', None, '100.0', None, '57.32', None, '47.04', None, None, None], 'IdxPut_lsr_Pct(O)': ['87.31', None, '5.5', None, '57.03', None, '69.8', None, None, None, '87.3', None, '5.75', None, '57.45', None, '68.81', None, None, None, '87.16', None, '5.86', None, '57.4', None, '68.02', None, None, None, '87.48', None, '5.64', None, '57.12', None, '68.26', '87.59', None, '5.42', None, '57.35', None, '66.55', None, None, None, '87.61', None, '5.43', None, '57.86', None, '66.22', None, None, None], 'StkCall_lsr_Pct(O)': ['65.11', None, '0.14', None, '27.34', None, '31.73', None, None, None, '64.73', None, '0.13', None, '29.49', None, '32.58', None, None, None, '64.48', None, '0.13', None, '31.88', None, '32.74', None, None, None, '64.56', None, '0.14', None, '31.82', None, '32.73', '64.24', None, '0.14', None, '31.58', None, '34.17', None, None, None, '63.65', None, '0.17', None, '32.82', None, '36.09', None, None, None], 'StkPut_lsr_Pct(O)': ['46.1', None, '0.0', None, '40.53', None, '58.68', None, None, None, '46.58', None, '0.0', None, '40.97', None, '57.83', None, None, None, '46.72', None, '0.0', None, '42.08', None, '57.27', None, None, None, '46.66', None, '0.0', None, '43.22', None, '56.98', '46.5', None, '0.0', None, '43.81', None, '56.95', None, None, None, '47.32', None, '0.0', None, '44.7', None, '55.44', None, None, None], 'Total_lsr_Pct': ['53.04', None, '14.94', None, '53.2', None, '49.64', None, None, None, '52.87', None, '15.09', None, '54.18', None, '49.17', None, None, None, '52.89', None, '15.12', None, '55.33', None, '49.01', None, None, None, '53.51', None, '14.92', None, '55.73', None, '49.32', '52.78', None, '16.59', None, '54.43', None, '50.21', None, None, None, '52.24', None, '16.61', None, '55.23', None, '49.77', None, None, None], 'nifty50_pct': [None, None, None, None, '0.13', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.51', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.29', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.17', None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.05', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.76', None, None, None, None, None], 'nifty50': [None, None, None, None, '24573', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '24699', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '24770', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '24812', None, None, None, None, None, None, '24823', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '25011', None, None, None, None, None], 'spx_pct': [None, None, None, None, '0.97', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '-0.2', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '0.42', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '-0.9', None, None, None, None, None, None, '1.16', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '-0.32', None, None, None, None, None], 'spx': [None, None, None, None, '5608', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5597', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5621', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5570', None, None, None, None, None, None, '5635', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, '5617', None, None, None, None, None], 'FiiCash_net(e7)': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'Cash_net(e7)': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'notes': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']}

    _table_columns = [
        TableColumn(field="date", title="date", width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Day", title="Day", width=20),
        TableColumn(field="Participant", title="Participant",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Future Index Long", title="Future Index Long",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Future Index Short", title="Future Index Short",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Future Index", title="Net Future Index",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Future Stock Long", title="Future Stock Long",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Future Stock Short", title="Future Stock Short",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Future Stock", title="Net Future Stock",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Call Long", title="Option Index Call Long",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Call Short", title="Option Index Call Short",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Index Call", title="Net Option Index Call",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Put Long", title="Option Index Put Long",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Index Put Short", title="Option Index Put Short",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Index Put", title="Net Option Index Put",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Call Long", title="Option Stock Call Long",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Call Short", title="Option Stock Call Short",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Stock Call", title="Net Option Stock Call",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Put Long", title="Option Stock Put Long",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Option Stock Put Short", title="Option Stock Put Short",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Option Stock Put", title="Net Option Stock Put",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Total Long Contracts", title="Total Long Contracts",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Total Short Contracts", title="Total Short Contracts",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Net Total Contracts", title="Net Total Contracts",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFutDistNet_Pct", title="IdxFutDistNet_Pct",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFutDistOve_Pct", title="IdxFutDistOve_Pct",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFut_LongChg_Pct(I)", title="IdxFut_LongChg_Pct(I)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="IdxFutShortChg_Pct(I)", title="IdxFutShortChg_Pct(I)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Idx_Fut_Long/Short(O)", title="Idx_Fut_Long/Short(O)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="StkFut_Long/Short_Pct(O)", title="StkFut_Long/Short_Pct(O)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="IdxCall_lsr_Pct(O)", title="IdxCall_lsr_Pct(O)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="IdxPut_lsr_Pct(O)", title="IdxPut_lsr_Pct(O)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="StkCall_lsr_Pct(O)", title="StkCall_lsr_Pct(O)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="StkPut_lsr_Pct(O)", title="StkPut_lsr_Pct(O)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Total_lsr_Pct", title="Total_lsr_Pct",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="nifty50_pct", title="nifty50_pct",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="nifty50", title="nifty50",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="spx_pct", title="spx_pct",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="spx", title="spx",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="FiiCash_net(e7)", title="FiiCash_net(e7)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="Cash_net(e7)", title="Cash_net(e7)",width=500),
        TableColumn(field="notes", title="notes",width=500),

    src = ColumnDataSource(data_dict)
    data_table = DataTable(source=src, columns=_table_columns, width=1700, height=850, frozen_columns=4) #1.ColumnWidth shrinks with shortened Tablewidth

    # data_table = DataTable(source=src, columns=_table_columns, width=3200, height=850, frozen_columns=4) #2.Actual ColumnWidth with widened Tablewidth

    title = Div(text=f'''<h1>ColumnWidth shrinks with shortened Tablewidth </h1>''', width_policy = 'auto', height=30,margin = 25)

    layout = column(title, data_table)



The table itself has an autosizing policy that takes precedence:

The default is force_fit:

Fit columns into available space dividing the table width across the columns equally (equivalent to fit_columns=True). This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is not enough space available.

I guess you want autosize_mode="none" which results in columns that are actually 500px wide (which is very, extremely wide):

Incidentally, the docstring for TableColumn.width explicitly mentions that the data table configuration controls things overall:

The width or maximum width (depending on data table’s configuration) in pixels of this column.

1 Like

Related to the above question-

Is there a way to set manual Header height in Frozen Columns Datable(Bokeh python) independent of other rows and maintain the horizontal scrollbar for frozen columns at the same time?

*Adding <‘br’> to header text does move the succeeding text to the next line, but the header height does not change even when the table is set to height_policy = ‘auto’ ,and the horizontal scrollbar also does vanishes.

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataTable, TableColumn,Div
from bokeh.layouts import column
from import show

data = {
    "Product" : ['A','B','C','D','E',],
    "Future Index Long" : [1,2,3,4,5],
    "Future Index Short" : [1,2,3,4,5],
    "Future Index Positive" : [1,2,3,4,5],
    "Future Index Negative" : [1,2,3,4,5],
    "Future Index Up" : [1,2,3,4,5],
    "Future Index Down" : [1,2,3,4,5],

src = ColumnDataSource(data)

# width = 70(not auto) is mandatory to accomodate space constraints in larger tables
table_columns = [
    TableColumn(field="Future Index Long",title="Future Index<br>Long",width=70,),
    TableColumn(field="Future Index Short",title="Future Index<br>Short",width=70,),
    TableColumn(field="Future Index Positive",title="Future Index<br>Positive",width=70,),
    TableColumn(field="Future Index Negative",title="Future Index<br>Negative",width=70,),
    TableColumn(field="Future Index Up",title="Future Index<br>Up",width=70,),
    TableColumn(field="Future Index Down",title="Future Index<br>Down",width=70,),


# Header height not modified as per <br>
data_table = DataTable(source=src, columns= table_columns, width=400, height=200, frozen_columns=1,header_row = True,height_policy = 'auto')
# data_table = DataTable(source=src, columns= table_columns, width=400, height=200, frozen_columns=1,header_row = True,height_policy = 'auto',autosize_mode = 'none')
title = Div(text=f"""<b>Manually set Header height.</b><br> Header height not modified as per "br-NEWLINE BREAK"<br>autosize_mode = 'none' & width = 70(not auto but hardcoded) is mandatory to accomodate space constraints in larger tables.<br><br>Also,is bokeh_datatable just Jquery table?</br>""", width_policy = 'auto', height=70,margin = 25)
layout = column(title,data_table)

I am not aware that there is currently any available configuration for header row height.