Does Bokeh support 3d Point clouds (.las) or 3d mesh files such as .ply or .obj?


I’m new to Bokeh and also rather new to programming on a whole, anyhow I’m investigating whether I can visualize a point cloud generated from photogrammetric means (drone imagery) using Bokeh’s ‘geo_source’ data format.

If so, how would I actually convert my .las file or .ply mesh into that geo_source format?

Any assistance or enlightenment is appreciated.

Thank you.



Bokeh does not have any 3d capabilities built in. However, it is possible to create custom extensions to Bokeh, which can be useful for connecting any JS library to Python code. Here is a custom extension example that shows a 3d plot created in the browser by vis.js (but from normal bokeh-like code from a user perspective):

The vis.js library has a point cloud mode IIRC, so it's possible this example could be adapted directly to your needs. However, vis.js is fairly simplistic, so my guess is that realistically you'd want to wrap a more capable 3d plotting library if you want to go this route.




On Dec 13, 2017, at 04:16, Chaplin Williams <[email protected]> wrote:


I'm new to Bokeh and also rather new to programming on a whole, anyhow I'm investigating whether I can visualize a point cloud generated from photogrammetric means (drone imagery) using Bokeh's 'geo_source' data format.

If so, how would I actually convert my .las file or .ply mesh into that geo_source format?

Any assistance or enlightenment is appreciated.

Thank you.


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