It can be done with a bit of fiddling and some custom JS - see below. Hope the code comments are clear enough to explain the approach.
import numpy as np
from bokeh.charts import output_file
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models.callbacks import CustomJS
x, y = np.arange(10), np.arange(10)
arr1 = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y[:, np.newaxis] ** 2)
Set up the ColumnDataSource. All variables captured as lists so they have the same length (as required by ColumnDataSource)
xp,yp and zp are the variables for the HoverTool readout (initialised to 0)
datasrc = ColumnDataSource(data={‘x’:,‘y’:[y],‘z’:[arr1],‘xp’:[0],‘yp’:[0],‘zp’:[0]})
The JS code finds the indices from the cursor geometry and stores the values needed in xp,yp and zp.
jsCode = ‘’’
var geom = cb_data[‘geometry’];
var data = datasrc.get(‘data’);
var hx = geom.x;
var hy = geom.y;
var x = data[‘x’][0];
var y = data[‘y’][0];
var z = data[‘z’][0];
var dx = x[1] - x[0]
var dy = y[1] - y[0]
var xind = Math.floor((hx + dx/2 - x[0])/dx)
var yind = Math.floor((hy + dy/2 - y[0])/dy)
if ((xind < x.length) && (yind < y.length)) {
data[‘xp’] = [x[xind]];
data[‘yp’] = [y[yind]];
data[‘zp’] = [z[xind][yind]];
cJS = CustomJS(args = {‘datasrc’:datasrc},code = jsCode)
dx,dy = x[1]-x[0],y[1]-y[0]
p = figure(x_range=(x[0],x[-1]),y_range=(y[0],y[-1]))
Image linked to ColumnDataSource. Set up so that rectangles centered at corresponding axes values (i.e. using dx and dy…)
i = p.image(‘z’,source=datasrc,x=x[0]-dx/2,y=y[0]-dy/2,dw=x[-1]-x[0]+dx,dh=y[-1]-y[0]+dy,palette=“Spectral11”)
Create a transparent rectangle which covers the image, linked to the same ColumnDataSource
r = p.rect(source=datasrc,x=(x[0]+x[-1])/2,y=(y[0]+y[-1])/2,width=x[-1]-x[0]+dx,height=y[-1]-y[0]+dy,fill_alpha=0,line_alpha=0)
Now the ColumnDataSource data dictionary can be accessed for the HoverTool readout
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[(‘x,y,z:’,‘@xp{0},@yp{0},@zp{0.00}’)],callback = cJS)
On Friday, December 2, 2016 at 11:38:20 PM UTC, Elias F. wrote:
Ah-ha - I missed it. Thanks for pointing it out.
Any advice on path forward, i.e. starting from a 2D array like the one the gets generated in my example?
Thanks so much for your quick reply!
On Friday, December 2, 2016 at 3:00:42 PM UTC-8, Sarah Bird wrote:
The warning is still