Dynamically embed precomputed plot with Javascript

In my standalone website, a button click by the user updates the text of a bokeh.models.Div via Javascript. Usually, this text only includes, well text, images and some formatting instructions. I wonder whether I’d also be able to include a precomputed bokeh.plotting.figure somewhere in the text in this way as well.

A minimal example is below. My hope was to do this with a json_item embedding. Essentially, precompute the figure in Python, obtain the JSON with json_item(), save it somewhere later accessible from Javascript. Then in Javascript set the Div’s text field to a div tag with the chosen #id and call Bokeh.embed.embed_item() on the JSON information. This pretty much works except for the fact that #id is not found, because it is contained in a shadowroot. How could I solve this?


from bokeh import events
from bokeh.embed import json_item
from bokeh.layouts import layout
from bokeh.models import Button, CustomJS
from bokeh.models import Div
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
import json

p = figure()
p.line(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1])
div = Div(text='', name='mydiv')
button = Button(label='Click')

item_text = json.dumps(json_item(p, "myplot"))

button.js_on_event(events.ButtonClick, CustomJS(code=f"""
    let div = Bokeh.documents[0].get_model_by_name('mydiv');
    div.text = '<div id="myplot"></div>';
    let item = JSON.parse(data);    
    // Raises error "Error rendering Bokeh model: could not find #myplot HTML tag"
""", args=dict(data=item_text)))

show(layout([button, div]))

Edit: I now realized that I can pass a html-DOM-reference to embed_item, as in Bokeh.embed.embed_item(item, dom). Still, it would be nice to realize this within the Bokeh components without having to figure out the dom-tree to a component, which can be quite brittle and complicated.

Preliminary solution:

from bokeh import events
from bokeh.embed import json_item
from bokeh.layouts import layout
from bokeh.models import Button, CustomJS
from bokeh.models import Div
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
import json

p = figure()
p.line(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1])
div = Div(text='', name='mydiv')
button = Button(label='Click')

item_text = json.dumps(json_item(p, "myplot"))

button.js_on_event(events.ButtonClick, CustomJS(code=f"""
    let div = Bokeh.documents[0].get_model_by_name('mydiv');
    let json = JSON.parse(data);
    div.text = `<p>Some text</p><div id="${json.target_id}"></div>`;
    let domref = document.querySelector(`div .bk-Column`).shadowRoot.
      querySelector('div.bk-Div').shadowRoot.querySelector(`div #${json.target_id}`);
    Bokeh.embed.embed_item(json, domref);
""", args=dict(data=item_text)))

show(layout([button, div]))

This is my #1 struggle with Bokeh, that quite often I find myself in a situation in which I need the actual reference to a DOM element. I wonder whether it would be possible for Bokeh to save the DOM element reference for each component during the computation of the layout?

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