Embed Bokeh Serve in Flask App with Nginx and Gunicorn

****###################################################################****I have developed an application that uses embedded bokeh serve in a flask app to generate dynamic plots. It works great on my local machine but when I try to get it working on a server on our local network I am running in to problems.
I want to eliminate the specifics of my network and app details so I put together an example replicating the server using docker containers and an official bokeh server embedded example.
NOTE: Replicated in github readme for readability
1: Source for my example: https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe
2: Official Bokeh App: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/0.12.10/examples/howto/server_embed/flask_gunicorn_embed.py
**************Example on local machine


Relevant configuration:
fresh install of conda (https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh)
python 3.6.3
flask 0.12.2
bokeh 0.12.10
gunicorn 19.7.1
tornado 4.5.2
1: clone or download my repo https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe
2: navigate to bokeh_recipe/web/project
3: execute: gunicorn -w 1 flask_gunicorn_embed:app
4: open in web browser

works great!

************Example replicating with docker network**************###################################################################** **Relevant configuration:
    Docker version 17.09.0-ce
    docker-compose version 1.17.0**
****Installation:********1: clone or download my repo [https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe](https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe)******    2: Build the docker images:**        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose build
**3: Start some containers:**
        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
    **3: Look up IP of bokehrecipe_nginx:
        I do this as follows:
            1: docker ps (copy CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx)
            2: docker inspect [CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx] | grep IPAddress
    4: Type the IP address found in step 3 into browser
<img src="cid:autoGeneratedInlineImage2" alt="" style="" height="200" width="400">******###################################################################**
Somehow the template stuff is served but there is a problem with communication between the flask app and the embedded bokeh server
Notice the GET in inspector. This just hangs for ever
I am guessing that this is an Nginx config issue. Specifically I need to add a "location" in "bokeh_recipe/nginx/bokeh_app.conf" for /bkapp and direct requests from flask to that.
Any help on this would be sooooooo greatly appreciated!!!!!
Thanks for your time. Please let me know if I can provide any other information and check out the git repo for better pictures in README.
-Cas Donoghue


Update:My strategy for serving the static css and js files in the nginx container is to use a shared docker volume between the container running the flask app and the nginx container.
in bokeh_recipe/web/Dockerfilei copy over the static files with the following command
RUN cp -R $(bokeh info --static) /home/flask/app/web/project
Then in bokeh_recipe/docker-compose.yml I declare a volume as /home/flask/app/web/project/static in the web service and share it with the nginx service with “volumes_from”.

I would think that I could at least navigate to the container ip (example and see the static files. Instead I am getting a 403. I am wondering if this is maybe my underlying issue here? Specifically that the necessary CSS and JS static files are not being served and therefore the plot wont render? This seems like it is just part of the problem and not the whole thing…

I looked over https://github.com/KonoAnalytics/BokehDjango (nice work @Jonathan Bennet BTW) and Kono seems to use the paradigm of explicitly running a bokeh server “outside” the web app. Maybe this is the approach that is necessary?

Anyway I appreciate anybody who can look this over and offer some insight. I invested quite a bit of time into building out a flask website with a bunch of dynamic plots and naively assumed that since it worked on my local machine using gunicorn that it would be trivial to get it going on my local network. Finding this is not the case. I am really hoping that I am just missing something obvious that a second set of eyes can easily spot. It is killing me to have my dynamic content trapped on my local machine, it wants to be free on the network!

Thanks again, -Cas Donoghue


On Monday, November 20, 2017 at 4:37:50 PM UTC-8, cas d wrote:

****###################################################################****I have developed an application that uses embedded bokeh serve in a flask app to generate dynamic plots. It works great on my local machine but when I try to get it working on a server on our local network I am running in to problems.
I want to eliminate the specifics of my network and app details so I put together an example replicating the server using docker containers and an official bokeh server embedded example.
NOTE: Replicated in github readme for readability
1: Source for my example: https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe
2: Official Bokeh App: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/0.12.10/examples/howto/server_embed/flask_gunicorn_embed.py
**********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**************Example on local machine
Relevant configuration:
fresh install of conda (https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh)
python 3.6.3
flask 0.12.2
bokeh 0.12.10
gunicorn 19.7.1
tornado 4.5.2
1: clone or download my repo https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe
2: navigate to bokeh_recipe/web/project
3: execute: gunicorn -w 1 flask_gunicorn_embed:app
4: open in web browser

works great!

************Example replicating with docker network**************###################################################################** **Relevant configuration:
    Docker version 17.09.0-ce
    docker-compose version 1.17.0**
****Installation:********1: clone or download my repo [https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe](https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe)******    2: Build the docker images:**        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose build
**3: Start some containers:**
        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
    **3: Look up IP of bokehrecipe_nginx:
        I do this as follows:
            1: docker ps (copy CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx)
            2: docker inspect [CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx] | grep IPAddress
    4: Type the IP address found in step 3 into browser
<img src="https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/group/bokeh/attach/1b58424717bf0/Auto%20Generated%20Inline%20Image%202?part=0.2&amp;authuser=0" alt="" height="200" width="400">******###################################################################**
Somehow the template stuff is served but there is a problem with communication between the flask app and the embedded bokeh server
Notice the GET []( in inspector. This just hangs for ever
I am guessing that this is an Nginx config issue. Specifically I need to add a "location" in "bokeh_recipe/nginx/bokeh_app.conf" for /bkapp and direct requests from flask to that.
Any help on this would be sooooooo greatly appreciated!!!!!
Thanks for your time. Please let me know if I can provide any other information and check out the git repo for better pictures in README.
-Cas Donoghue

In order to reduce complexity of running the nginx service in a separate container from the flask app I combined them into a single container.
I updated the github repo specifically the “single_container” directory and wrote up a new readme further detailing the problem. https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe/tree/master/single_container

# Single Container
In order to reduce the complexity of running nginx in its own container I built this image that runs nginx in same container as the web app
## Installation
NOTE: I am using Docker version 17.09.0-ce
Download or clone repo and navigate to this directory (single_container).
# as root
docker build -f Dockerfile -t single_container .

<img src="//bokeh-discourse-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/1X/d33017980177a43a0c22e194a69691f1783754b7.png" alt="" style="">

start a terminal session in new container
# as root
docker run -ti single_container:latest

In new container start nginx

now start gunicorn
gunicorn -w 1 -b :8000 flask_gunicorn_embed:app

<img src="//bokeh-discourse-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/1X/27855607579b3b011cdb028887b1aeea029eb45e.png" alt="">

in a separate terminal (on host machine) find the IP address of the single_container container you are running

#as root
docker ps

then do copy CONTAINER ID and inspect it docker inspect [CONTIANER ID] | grep IPAddress

<img src="//bokeh-discourse-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/1X/f765a6809addeb23f206c6a84eb593b2a079bb11.png" alt="" style="" height="52" width="400">

Using IP found above (with container running) check out in firefox with inspector.
As you can in screenshot above (see screenshots folder "single_container_broken.png" for raw the get request just hangs
<img src="//bokeh-discourse-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/1X/a343545fcf1f37f62762766138e8a1fac39d020e.png" alt="" style="" height="169" width="400">

I can verify that nginx is serving the static files though by navigating to /bkapp/static/ (see bokeh_recipe/single_container/nginx/bokeh_app.conf for config)
<img src="//bokeh-discourse-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/1X/e128e62eddf310f8db81337a2bb7b92adccfbaa5.png" alt="" style="" height="162" width="400">

Another oddidy is that I try to hit the embedded bokeh server directly (with /bkapp/) but i end up with a 400 (denied?)
<img src="//bokeh-discourse-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/1X/42567f3c68a6fc18d9a73f4c2150ea345a8d3a22.png" alt="" style="" height="189" width="400">

# Note about app
- to reduce complexity of dynamically assigning available ports to tornado workers I hard coded in 46518 for port to talk to bokeh serve
# nginx config
I know you could just look at okeh_recipe/single_container/nginx/bokeh_app.conf but I want to show it here. I think I need to config nginx to make explicit that the "request" to bkapp to the is originating FROM the server not the client.
## Define the parameters for a specific virtual host/server
server {
    # define what port to listen on
    listen 80;
    # Define the specified charset to the “Content-Type” response header field
    charset utf-8;

    # Configure NGINX to deliver static content from the specified folder
    location /bkapp/static/ {
        alias /home/flask/app/web/static/;
        autoindex on;
    # Configure NGINX to reverse proxy HTTP requests to the upstream server (Gunicorn (WSGI server))
    location / {
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
        proxy_buffering off;
    # deal with the (note hard coded port for now)
    location /bkapp/ {

Again, Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Also if there are problems using the Oracle base image (cant remember if I needed special oracle credentials to get that) let me know and I will build it with Ubuntu.
Thanks so much for the help. WHEN I/community solves this I hope it is helpful to others.
-Cas Donoghue

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On Monday, November 20, 2017 at 4:37:50 PM UTC-8, cas d wrote:
> **Objective**
> ****###################################################################****I have developed an application that uses embedded bokeh serve in a flask app to generate dynamic plots. It works great on my local machine but when I try to get it working on a server on our local network I am running in to problems.
> I want to eliminate the specifics of my network and app details so I put together an example replicating the server using docker containers and an official bokeh server embedded example.
> **NOTE:** Replicated in github readme for readability
> ******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****Resources******###################################################################****
> 1: Source for my example: [https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe](https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe)
> 2: Official Bokeh App: [https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/0.12.10/examples/howto/server_embed/flask_gunicorn_embed.py](https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/0.12.10/examples/howto/server_embed/flask_gunicorn_embed.py)
> **********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~******************Example on local machine****
> ******###################################################################******
> Relevant configuration:
>     fresh install of conda ([https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh](https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh))
>     python 3.6.3
>     flask  0.12.2
>     bokeh 0.12.10
>     gunicorn 19.7.1
>     tornado 4.5.2
> Installation:
>     1: clone or download my repo [https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe](https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe)
>     2: navigate to bokeh_recipe/web/project
>     3: execute: gunicorn -w 1 flask_gunicorn_embed:app
>     4: open []( in web browser
> <img src="https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/group/bokeh/attach/1b58424717bf0/Auto%20Generated%20Inline%20Image%201?part=0.1&amp;authuser=0" alt="" height="218" width="400">
> works great!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****
> ************Example replicating with docker network**************###################################################################** **Relevant configuration:
>     Docker version 17.09.0-ce
>     docker-compose version 1.17.0**
> ****Installation:********1: clone or download my repo [https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe](https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe)******    2: Build the docker images:**        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose build
> **3: Start some containers:**
>         [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
>     **3: Look up IP of bokehrecipe_nginx:
>         I do this as follows:
>             1: docker ps (copy CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx)
>             2: docker inspect [CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx] | grep IPAddress
>     4: Type the IP address found in step 3 into browser
> <img src="https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/group/bokeh/attach/1b58424717bf0/Auto%20Generated%20Inline%20Image%202?part=0.2&amp;authuser=0" alt="" height="200" width="400">******###################################################################**
> Somehow the template stuff is served but there is a problem with communication between the flask app and the embedded bokeh server
> Notice the GET []( in inspector. This just hangs for ever
> I am guessing that this is an Nginx config issue. Specifically I need to add a "location" in "bokeh_recipe/nginx/bokeh_app.conf" for /bkapp and direct requests from flask to that.
> Any help on this would be sooooooo greatly appreciated!!!!!
> Thanks for your time. Please let me know if I can provide any other information and check out the git repo for better pictures in README.
> -Cas Donoghue
>    **


I started a stack overflow post about this question. Will update if someone there helps find a solution. Thanks, -cas


On Monday, November 20, 2017 at 4:37:50 PM UTC-8, cas d wrote:

****###################################################################****I have developed an application that uses embedded bokeh serve in a flask app to generate dynamic plots. It works great on my local machine but when I try to get it working on a server on our local network I am running in to problems.
I want to eliminate the specifics of my network and app details so I put together an example replicating the server using docker containers and an official bokeh server embedded example.
NOTE: Replicated in github readme for readability
1: Source for my example: https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe
2: Official Bokeh App: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/blob/0.12.10/examples/howto/server_embed/flask_gunicorn_embed.py
**********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**************Example on local machine
Relevant configuration:
fresh install of conda (https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh)
python 3.6.3
flask 0.12.2
bokeh 0.12.10
gunicorn 19.7.1
tornado 4.5.2
1: clone or download my repo https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe
2: navigate to bokeh_recipe/web/project
3: execute: gunicorn -w 1 flask_gunicorn_embed:app
4: open in web browser

works great!

************Example replicating with docker network**************###################################################################** **Relevant configuration:
    Docker version 17.09.0-ce
    docker-compose version 1.17.0**
****Installation:********1: clone or download my repo [https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe](https://github.com/donoghuc/bokeh_recipe)******    2: Build the docker images:**        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose build
**3: Start some containers:**
        [root@casdono-linux bokeh_recipe]# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
    **3: Look up IP of bokehrecipe_nginx:
        I do this as follows:
            1: docker ps (copy CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx)
            2: docker inspect [CONTAINER ID for bokehrecipe_nginx] | grep IPAddress
    4: Type the IP address found in step 3 into browser
<img src="https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/group/bokeh/attach/1b58424717bf0/Auto%20Generated%20Inline%20Image%202?part=0.2&amp;authuser=0" alt="" height="200" width="400">******###################################################################**
Somehow the template stuff is served but there is a problem with communication between the flask app and the embedded bokeh server
Notice the GET []( in inspector. This just hangs for ever
I am guessing that this is an Nginx config issue. Specifically I need to add a "location" in "bokeh_recipe/nginx/bokeh_app.conf" for /bkapp and direct requests from flask to that.
Any help on this would be sooooooo greatly appreciated!!!!!
Thanks for your time. Please let me know if I can provide any other information and check out the git repo for better pictures in README.
-Cas Donoghue

Did you find any solution? Actually, I am also trying to figure out a similar issue.

As far as I understand, nginx handle 5000 port requests but bokeh use 5006 port additively. My server cannot handle that. I couldn’t figure out what I need to do.

I am getting these errors:

System files:

gunicorn service file:


Description=Gunicorn instance to serve bokeh







ExecStart=/root/bokeh/bokehenv/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:bokeh.sock -m 007 wsgi:app



nginx file:

server {

listen 80;

server_name 46.253.XXX.XXX;

access_log /tmp/bokeh.access.log;

location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }

location / {

include proxy_params;

proxy_pass http://unix:/root/bokeh/bokeh.sock;


location /static {

alias /root/bokeh/static;



Hi liberuno_caca
As you access bokeh through socket, you have also to proxy pass port 5006.
It should be enough to add
listen 5006;
to nginx file. But this is not the same problem that Cas had reported.