Error: property Grid.axis wasn't declared

Hello Everyone,
I installed bokeh but getting error “Error: property Grid.axis wasn’t declared”.
I have python version Python 3.6.12 and bokeh version 2.2.3.

Please guide me what can be the reason of this error?

Hi @yaseenjamii,

Can you post a sample of your code?

HI @carolyn Thank you for ur time…
Here is my code…

    def _compute_partograph(self):
        for rec in self:
            p = figure(plot_width=1100, plot_height=500)
            p.xgrid.ticker = FixedTicker(num_minor_ticks=1, desired_num_ticks=12,
                                         minor_ticks=[-2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5,
                                                      9.5, 10.5],
                                         ticks=[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
            line = p.line([0, 7], [4, 22], line_width=2, line_color="#0000FF", legend="Alert", )
            line2 = p.line([4, 11], [4, 22], line_width=2, line_color="#FF0000", legend="Action", )
            p.xgrid.minor_grid_line_color = 'grey'
            difff = []
            pointss = []
            crosses_x = []
            dots_x = []
            crosses_y = []
            dots_y = []
            lines_x = []
            lines_y = []
            lines_x.append([0, 0])
            except Exception as e:
            #, y=, size=10)
            for count in range(len(rec.progress) - 1):
                if rec.progress[count + 1].d_and_t:
                    diff = rec.progress[count + 1].d_and_t - rec.progress[0].d_and_t
                    point = (int(diff.seconds) // 60) / 60
                    crosses_y.append(int(rec.progress[count + 1].cx_dil))
                    dots_y.append(self.get_y_val_from_sta_press(rec.progress[count + 1].st_o_pres))
                    for length in rec.progress[count + 1].cx_len:
                        lines_x.append([point, point])
            p.cross(x=crosses_x, y=crosses_y, size=15, line_width=2, legend="Cx Dil")
  , y=dots_y, size=10, legend="Station of Pres")
            for count in range(len(crosses_x) - 1):
                p.segment(x0=crosses_x[count], y0=crosses_y[count], x1=crosses_x[count + 1], y1=crosses_y[count + 1],
                          color="lightgrey", line_width=3)
                p.segment(x0=dots_x[count], y0=dots_y[count], x1=dots_x[count + 1], y1=dots_y[count + 1],
                          color="lightgrey", line_width=3)
                for count in range(len(lines_x)):
                    p.dash(x=lines_x[count], y=lines_y[count], line_width=3, size=15, legend="Cx len")
                    p.segment(x0=lines_x[count][0], y0=lines_y[count][0], x1=lines_x[count][1], y1=lines_y[count][1],
                              color="lightgrey", line_width=3)
            except Exception as e:

            p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time'
            p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Dil'
            p.toolbar.active_drag = None

            for time_xaxis in difff:
                p.cross(x=time_xaxis['point'], y=time_xaxis['dil'], size=20, line_width=2)
            p.xgrid.grid_line_color = '#a3a8a3'
            p.ygrid.grid_line_color = '#a3a8a3'
            script, div = components(p)
            rec.pgraph = '%s%s' % (div, script)

Hi @yaseenjamii that code is both too much (lots of clearly unrelated bits) and too little (not complete, can’t be run as-is). The best way to help us help you is to provide a Minimal Reproducible Example (and often the exercise of constructing an MRE can help you identify the problem yourself).