On Mar 23, 2015, at 11:14 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Thanks for the information - is it possible that we can have text boxes, dropdown list boxes - HTML GUI items along with Bokeh's graph in a single page. Can we combine power of Jquery / JS / Bokeh + Python to generate one single web page.
Something like an interactive web page - the back end should be able to handle UI events like button click etc while also capturing user input generating graphs like matplotlib does in a specific location of the web page.
Is there any such dynamic web page demo / tutorial / example or information available?
Is Bokeh a licensed product - do I need to purchase the software - what happens if I plan to sell a product made from Bokeh tool.
On Monday, March 23, 2015 at 5:50:13 PM UTC+5:30, Bryan Van de ven wrote:
> On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:03 AM, satyaprak...@gmail.com wrote:
> When I try to run the examples in the bokeh/plotting/server folder I get the below error:
> GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
Bokeh uses the python standard library "webbrowser" module to raise brasier tabs to display saved Bokeh plots as a convenience. There appears to be some non-Bokeh-related configuration issue on some platforms that causes that error to be displayed, and to prevent browsers from being raised, when webbrowser.open() is called. However, in all cases I have seen, the plot is still correctly saved (either to static HTML file, or to the server). You can still open the HTML file, or see (or embed) the file on the Bokeh server. Since we have no control over the upstream webbrowser module or platform configurations that may interact with it, I am not sure what else can be done, except to note this as a potentially annoying, but otherwise harmless nuisance.
> Also I am in need to build an interactive - A GUI tool where a user can input some parameter and submits the same to back-end. The back-end would generate some charts to be rendered at UI.
> Please let me know if bokeh has some functionality like same.
Bokeh absolutely has this sort of capability, either by embedding just plot in your own larger web-app, or by using Bokeh's own widget objects. You can see hosted examples here (look under "Server Examples"):
And code examples here:
Please refer to the README files in those directories.
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