Flexibility of programmatic Bokeh server but with the handled extras of bokeh serve


My use case is essentially to create a horizontally scalable data analysis platform.

To be able to go http://blah.com/plot_v1 or http://blah.com/plot_v5

Problem is it doesn’t seem like bokeh serve is very flexible in that regard.

Serving up a single directory doesn’t give me a lot of room but having a lot of modules in one directory seems a bit messy too.**

So I read through the following blog:


After reading Bokeh’s docs, it looks like the only way I can have multiple Bokeh apps/documents (in an organised/proper handler/route based fashion) is by creating and instantiating the Bokeh Server myself and then treating it somewhat like a Tornado application by adding handlers and the like.

My question is how much… error handling/features/loveliness am I sacrificing by NOT using bokeh serve ?

Am I missing anything good?

With some basic error handling considerations would instantiating Bokeh Server be fine?

Or is bokeh serve doable for my use case and I’m missing something?

Cheers in advance :slight_smile:


Well I can think of a variety of possible scenarios, so before going to far down any one road, maybe a few questions are in order.

* Are these standalone documents (i.e. no real actual python callbacks?)

* Does it have to be /plot1, plot2? Would HTML request args suffice? e.g. /app?show=plot1, /app?show=plot2?

Regarding this question specifically:

Am I missing anything good?
With some basic error handling considerations would instantiating Bokeh Server be fine?
Or is bokeh serve doable for my use case and I'm missing something?

Currently bokeh.events are not supported wit bokeh.client usage, and there are also hurdles to using custom extensions with bokeh.clients (tho there are workarounds for the latter).




On Jul 18, 2017, at 05:58, [email protected] wrote:


My use case is essentially to create a horizontally scalable data analysis platform.
To be able to go http://blah.com/plot_v1 or http://blah.com/plot_v5

Problem is it doesn't seem like bokeh serve is very flexible in that regard.
Serving up a single directory doesn't give me a lot of room but having a lot of modules in one directory seems a bit messy too.

So I read through the following blog:

After reading Bokeh's docs, it looks like the only way I can have multiple Bokeh apps/documents (in an organised/proper handler/route based fashion) is by creating and instantiating the Bokeh Server myself and then treating it somewhat like a Tornado application by adding handlers and the like.

My question is how much.. error handling/features/loveliness am I sacrificing by NOT using bokeh serve <module or directory>?

Am I missing anything good?
With some basic error handling considerations would instantiating Bokeh Server be fine?
Or is bokeh serve doable for my use case and I'm missing something?

Cheers in advance :slight_smile:

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