Format axis ticks for currency of other culture

How to format axis ticks for currency of other cultures?

II tried this way:

p.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="$0.00a", language=‘pt-br’)

But it still in american language ($1.50m)

I have checked and pt-br is a supported language:

" allowed values are be-nl, chs, cs, da-dk, de-ch, de, en, en-gb, es-ES, es, et, fi, fr-CA, fr-ch, fr, hu, it, ja, nl-nl, pl, pt-br, pt-pt, ru, ru-UA, sk, th, tr or uk-UA"

Brazilian currency format should be like:

1000000.00 -> R$1.000.000,00
1500000.00 -> R$1.50 M

Hi Leonardo,

I created

In the meantime, you can try explicitly requiring Numbro language files: numbro.js

Note that CDN link on language page is broken, version is missing · Issue #158 · BenjaminVanRyseghem/numbro · GitHub is still not resolved, so you can get the correct URL here:




On Friday, January 26, 2018 at 9:41:58 PM UTC+7, Leonardo Kury wrote:

How to format axis ticks for currency of other cultures?

II tried this way:

p.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format=“$0.00a”, language=‘pt-br’)

But it still in american language ($1.50m)

I have checked and pt-br is a supported language:

" allowed values are be-nl, chs, cs, da-dk, de-ch, de, en, en-gb, es-ES, es, et, fi, fr-CA, fr-ch, fr, hu, it, ja, nl-nl, pl, pt-br, pt-pt, ru, ru-UA, sk, th, tr or uk-UA"

Brazilian currency format should be like:

1000000.00 -> R$1.000.000,00
1500000.00 -> R$1.50 M