GeoJSON coordinates with tiles

Hello I have questions related to the GeoJSONDataSource and add_tile using the xyz file provider methods.

  1. First, I’m super impressed with integration of the xyz tile providers. it an entirely separate open source project that will get good attention and be usable from Bokeh. Outstanding.

  2. Second, what is a programmatic way of determining the:

    • tile name from a figure object?
    • x_axis_type and y_axis_type of a figure?

    Using this clip, there is no x_axis_type or tile entries in dir(p) at a Python command prompt:

    import xyzservices.providers as xyz
    from bokeh.plotting import figure

    Where are x_axis_type and y_axis_type and tile parameters or xyz object?

  3. Third, how can the objects added to a figure be specified in web Mercator coordinates (for overlay on a map tile) be sized in screen coordinates so the dots representing each location on the map remain sized properly for the screen and not sized in map (web Mercator) coordinates?

  4. Fourth, plotting a GeoJSON object with (lon,lat) coordinates would ideally be converted to web Mercator coordinates inside Bokeh’s GeoJSONDataSource. Is there a method that does this? My clunky example below shows how to do this but it seems it could be cleaner.

Here is a working example using the GeoJSON data demo and Tile provider maps demo.

Notice the web-mercator coordinate conversion from @jbednar here.

import json

from bokeh.models import GeoJSONDataSource, Circle, WheelZoomTool
from bokeh.models.widgets import Div
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.sampledata.sample_geojson import geojson
import xyzservices.providers as xyz
import numpy as np

import code # drop into a python interpreter to debug using: code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))

# helper function for coordinate conversion between lat/lon in decimal degrees to Web Mercator for plotting
# modified from lnglat_to_meters() by @jbednar (James A. Bednar)
def LatLon_to_EN(latitude , longitude):
    Projects the given (longitude, latitude) values into Web Mercator
    coordinates (meters East of Greenwich and meters North of the Equator).
    Longitude and latitude can be provided as scalars, Pandas columns,
    or Numpy arrays, and will be returned in the same form.  Lists
    or tuples will be converted to Numpy arrays.
       easting, northing = lnglat_to_meters(-74,40.71)
       easting, northing = lnglat_to_meters(np.array([-74]),np.array([40.71]))
       df.loc[:, 'longitude'], df.loc[:, 'latitude'] = lnglat_to_meters(df.longitude,df.latitude)
    if isinstance(longitude, (list, tuple)):
        longitude = np.array(longitude)
    if isinstance(latitude, (list, tuple)):
        latitude = np.array(latitude)
    origin_shift = np.pi * 6378137
    easting = longitude * origin_shift / 180.0
    northing = np.log(np.tan((90 + latitude) * np.pi / 360.0)) * origin_shift / np.pi
    return (easting, northing)

description = Div(text="""<b><code></code></b> - Bokeh tile provider example.""")

data = json.loads(geojson) # from Bokeh demo: [Emin Emax  Nmin Nmax] = [-4.5 +0.9    50.1 55.1 ]

for i in range(len(data['features'])):
    data['features'][i]['properties']['Color'] = ['blue', 'red'][i%2]
    lon, lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']      # GeoJson uses (lon,lat) notation
    EN = LatLon_to_EN(lat,lon)                     # LatLon_to_EN accepts (lat,lon)
    data['features'][i]['properties']['E'] = EN[0] # (m) add easting  to data dictionary
    data['features'][i]['properties']['N'] = EN[1] # (m) add northing to data dictionary

geo_source = GeoJSONDataSource(geojson=json.dumps(data))

TOOLTIPS = [('Organisation', '@OrganisationName')]

p = figure(background_fill_color="lightgrey", tooltips=TOOLTIPS)

p.toolbar.active_scroll = p.select_one(WheelZoomTool) # make wheel_zoom tool active by default; from

# add basemap
p.title.text  = f"Bokeh Map View with: {}"
p.title.align = "center"
p.title.text_color = "maroon"
p.title.text_font_size = "18px"

circleGrn = Circle(x='E', y='N', radius=10000,   line_color='Black', fill_color='Color', fill_alpha=0.7) # fill_alpha=0.8, fill_color="white",


Initial result looks good:

But zooming in shows how the dots are in units of meters and not screen coordinates:

Circle radius is (nowadays) always data units. You want to use Scatter which always has a a size in screen units.

Ok, thank you.

Scatter (or p.scatter) works great and displays GeoJSON Point objects in screen units, but does not display other geometry types in the GeoJSONDataSource.

I’ve also discovered that patches displays GeoJSON Polygon and LineString objects, as does multi_line.

Is the expected behavior of patches and multi_line to display both Polygons and LineStrings? That makes it difficult to display both geometry types (correctly) from the same GeoJSON data source.

Is there a way to only display one GeoJSON type with a single call?

Looking at the source code:

bokeh/bokehjs/src/lib/models/sources/geojson_data_source.ts at branch-3.5 · bokeh/bokeh · GitHub

it does not appear to be the case. It would probably be reasonable to support some sort of filtering, e.g. by synthesizing a new column to report the provenance of each row (so you could filter yourself). But that will require new development, so the first step would be to open a GitHub Issue.

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