Ok, I changed some things around and got the graphs to render!
I changed all of the Bokeh server code to run in it’s own Docker container, then I accessed that URL. That way I was able to see the log data in the terminal. In docker compose, I just used the service name in the url that hosted the bokeh app.
In the returned script tag, the url still refers to “visualization”, which is the name of my docker compose service that my computer won’t know how to resolve, so I had to do a find-replace to replace it with localhost, and then it rendered correctly in my browser.
plot = server_document(os.environ.get('BOKEH_URL'))
plot= test_plot.replace("visualization", "localhost")
One issue I am seeing though that I don’t know how to resolve is if there is a way to have multiple end-points/applications within the same bokeh server instance? If not, then I will have to create a separate Docker container for every Bokeh plot that I want to render. The Flask embed method had a handy way of making multiple Bokeh endpoints/plots available via the following method:
bokeh_tornado = BokehTornado({'/plot1': plot1, \
'/plot2':plot2, '/plot3':plot3}...
Is there a way to do the same thing when starting Bokeh from the command line?
bokeh serve plot1.py plot2.py plot3.py
The below link mentions that it is possible, but I just want to verify that this is the recommended method to serve multiple plotting scripts and have different endpoints
I mainly just need a way to access different plots at different endpoints if possible.