Growing each line of a multi_line plot using streaming data

I have a figure.multi_line plot in which the number of lines is constant, but each time new streaming data comes in, I want to append a new point to each of the lines. For instance:

# initial state, no data = {
    'x': [
    'y': [
# after incorporating two points for each line = {
    'x': [
    'y': [

This is a form of appending that cannot be achieved directly by using, which would instead append to the outer lists['x'] and['y'].

So, I manipulated the field directly, I can confirm that the structure is as expected, but I don’t see anything showing up in the plot.

Is there some best practice for doing this kind of thing?

Thanks in advance!

I am afraid there is not currently any API for this specialized kind of streaming involving sub-lists, so the only option will be to re-assign all the data, with the new points appended to each sub-list. I’d encourage you to open a GitHub Issue to make a feature request for this kind of stream (please include as much motivating use-case detail as possible).


So, I manipulated the field directly, I can confirm that the structure is as expected, but I don’t see anything showing up in the plot.

We need to see what exact steps you actually attempted (i.e. a complete Minimal Reproducible Example) to be able to advise.

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Sure, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll whip up a minimal reproducible example and open an issue with it.

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