Hover tool to highligth multiple glyphs based on a common criteria

Hi all,

I see in the bokeh documentation that it is possible to configure a “mode” on the HoverTool to highligth all glyphs on the same vertical or horizontal coordinate.
In the same way, is it possible to highlight several glyphs based on a common criteria taken from the datasource?

Best regards,

I know it is possible with selection using the TapTool. A CustomJS callback can reference all data provided in the ColumnDataSource.

FWIW, here is the code I am using, albeit with a bug in multiple selection across figures.


I achieved to do what I wanted by updating the alpha value directly from the datasource. But I am not sure this is really the good way to go…
Here is my hover tool code:

cbk = CustomJS(args={‘vbar’: vbr.data_source}, code=“”"
var indices = cb_data.index[‘1d’].indices
if (indices.length == 0) {
for(var j = 0; j < vbar.data[‘alpha’].length; j++) {
vbar.data[‘alpha’][j] = 1.0
for(var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
var ind = indices[i]
var expectedHash = vbar.data[‘hash’][ind]

        for(var j = 0; j < vbar.data['hash'].length; j++) {
            if (vbar.data['hash'][j] != expectedHash) {
                vbar.data['alpha'][j] = 0.5
            else {
                vbar.data['alpha'][j] = 1.0

p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, callback=cbk, renderers=[vbr]))



Le lundi 29 mai 2017 19:09:06 UTC+2, Gonzague Reydet a écrit :

Hi all,

I see in the bokeh documentation that it is possible to configure a “mode” on the HoverTool to highligth all glyphs on the same vertical or horizontal coordinate.
In the same way, is it possible to highlight several glyphs based on a common criteria taken from the datasource?

Best regards,