Appreciate if you can help me achieve the following user story.
“As a user of a web page with an embedded bokeh plot I want to be able to click on the y axis that would pop up a window to allow me manually enter the desired min and max limits for the y axis to enable me use the plot in a similar fashion to Excel charts.”
My line of thought:
I need to register the mouse event on the y axis;
That would pop up a Bootstrap modal window;
The modal will read current values for y_axis limits;
Set the y limits once the user has entered them and clicked OK.
My questions are:
I assume I need to access the plot, views and models objects. How can I do so? Is this really the way?
var plot = Bokeh.index[Bokeh._.keys(Bokeh.index)[0]]
How do I register the onmouseup callback to pop up the modal window?
As a matter of fact there was a recent PR merged to Bokeh that added "typed properties" to Bokeh models on the JavaScript side, to match (for the *most* part) the typed properties on the python Bokeh models. For instance, the Axis base class in BokehJS has this:
One idea that has been suggested and that we would like to pursue is that, using these typed properties (which are inspectable), it should be possible to *automatically* generate an editor dialog, for *any* BokehJS model.
Would you be interested in working on this, with some help? It would be a pretty tremendous feature to get added. If so, I would suggest an approach that starts without worrying about the mouse and hit-testing. As a first cut, there could be a single toolbar button tool that pops up a simple dialog listing a table (or tree) of all current plot models, and selecting a model from the dialog brings up the auto-editor for that model. Then as a second follow on piece of work, another PR could look at adding hit testing to various components, and paths to open up editor dialogs based on this hit-testing.
Please let me know if this sounds like an interesting thing you'd like to work on, we could schedule a ghangout or something to discuss things in more detail.
Appreciate if you can help me achieve the following user story.
"As a user of a web page with an embedded bokeh plot I want to be able to click on the y axis that would pop up a window to allow me manually enter the desired min and max limits for the y axis to enable me use the plot in a similar fashion to Excel charts."
My line of thought:
1. I need to register the mouse event on the y axis;
2. That would pop up a Bootstrap modal window;
3. The modal will read current values for y_axis limits;
4. Set the y limits once the user has entered them and clicked OK.
My questions are:
1. I assume I need to access the plot, views and models objects. How can I do so? Is this really the way?
var plot = Bokeh.index[Bokeh._.keys(Bokeh.index)[0]]
2. How do I register the onmouseup callback to pop up the modal window?