How can I remove left and right margin from plot

I’m working on a StatsPlotCard indicator widget PR for Panel developed as a custom Bokeh extensions. I’m trying to make this as efficient as possible for streaming use cases.

The problem I have now is that there is a bit of margin on the left and right sides of the plot.

Is it possible to remove? How?

private async setPlot() {
        this.plot = new Plot({
            toolbar_location: null,
            background_fill_color: null,
            border_fill_color: null,
            outline_line_color: null,
            min_border: 0,
            sizing_mode: "stretch_both"
        var source = <ColumnDataSource>this.model.plot_data
        if (this.model.plot_type==="line"){
            var line = new Line({
                x: { field: this.model.plot_x },
                y: { field: this.model.plot_y },
                line_width: 6,
                line_color: this.model.plot_color,
            this.plot.add_glyph(line, source)
        } else if (this.model.plot_type==="step"){
            var step = new Step({
                x: { field: this.model.plot_x },
                y: { field: this.model.plot_y },
                line_width: 6,
                line_color: this.model.plot_color,
            this.plot.add_glyph(step, source)
        } else if (this.model.plot_type==="area") {
            var varea = new VArea({
                x: { field: this.model.plot_x },
                y1: { field: this.model.plot_y },
                y2: 0,
                fill_color: this.model.plot_color,
                fill_alpha: 0.5,
            this.plot.add_glyph(varea, source)
            var line = new Line({
                x: { field: this.model.plot_x },
                y: { field: this.model.plot_y },
                line_width: 3,
                line_color: this.model.plot_color,
            this.plot.add_glyph(line, source)
        } else {
            var vbar = new VBar({
                x: { field: this.model.plot_x },
                top: { field: this.model.plot_y },
                width: 0.9,
                line_color: null,
                fill_color: this.model.plot_color
            this.plot.add_glyph(vbar, source)

        // hover =
        // hover.tooltips = [("x", "@x"), ("top", "@top"),]
        // hover.mode = 'mouse'
        const view = await build_view(this.plot)

All the code of the PR can be found here.

This seems to be range padding, given that the default ranges are DataRange1d() and I don’t see you setting {x,y}_range anywhere in the code. Set plot.{x,y}_range.range_padding = 0.


Thanks @mateusz. It works.


I have to write it as

const x_range = <any>this.plot.x_range



I get

Property 'range_padding' does not exist on type 'Range'.ts(2339)

const x_range = <any>this.plot.x_range

You can narrow this down by replacing any with DataRange1d:

const x_range = <DataRange1d>this.plot.x_range
x_range.range_padding = 0

or alternatively

import {assert} from "@bokehjs/core/util/assert"
assert(this.plot.x_range instanceof DataRange1d)
this.plot.x_range.range_padding = 0

In future Figure.{x,y}_range and similar APIs may get more specific types, as we did with “glyph methods” which return precisely typed glyph renderers.

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