How to add more date string on the x-axis of a bar chart

The code below is Bryan’s solution for missing dates on a bar chart. But it just show 3 date strings on the x-axis, if I want to add more date strings on the x-axis, given there’s enough space, maybe every 5 bars show a date string, can that be done?

just like that in this example bokeh.sampledata.stocks

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Range1d, ColumnDataSource, CustomJSTicker, CustomJSTickFormatter
from bokeh.models import DatetimeTickFormatter, NumeralTickFormatter

date = ["2024-11-05", "2024-11-06", "2024-11-07", "2024-11-08", "2024-11-11", "2024-11-12", "2024-11-13", "2024-11-14", "2024-11-15", "2024-11-18", "2024-11-19", "2024-11-20", "2024-11-21", "2024-11-22", "2024-11-25", "2024-11-26", "2024-11-27", "2024-11-28", "2024-11-29", "2024-12-02", "2024-12-03", "2024-12-04", "2024-12-05", "2024-12-06", "2024-12-09", "2024-12-10", "2024-12-11", "2024-12-12", "2024-12-13", "2024-12-16", "2024-12-17", "2024-12-18", "2024-12-19", "2024-12-20", "2024-12-23", "2024-12-24", "2024-12-25", "2024-12-26", "2024-12-27", "2024-12-30", "2024-12-31", "2025-01-02", "2025-01-03", "2025-01-06", "2025-01-07", "2025-01-08", "2025-01-09", "2025-01-10", "2025-01-13", "2025-01-14"]
x = list(range(len(date)))
y = [-331.6, -1114.8, -2299.9, -1509.2, 240.7, -43.2, -1623.2, -1301.2, -1562.6, -209.4, -208.1, -735.4, 81.4, -208.8, -187.7, -480.7, -141.4, 440.2, -855.7, -214.1, 1106.9, -1257.4, -1722.7, -672.9, 163.0, -471.0, 17.1, -128.7, -639.5, -863.1, -62.2, -299.9, -547.3, 36.3, 545.1, 116.0, -46.5, -214.8, -116.6, 58.9, -454.9, 265.5, 816.5, 549.9, 64.3, 728.6, 1758.3, -1119.4, -898.7, 912.9]
color = ["green" if a >= 0 else "red" for a in y]

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, date=date, color=color))

p = figure(width=1500)

p.vbar(x="x", top="y", color="color", width=0.5, bottom=0, source=source)

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("date", "@date"),( "value", "@y{"f"0.0""}")])
# p.x_range = Range1d(x[-31], x[-1], bounds=(x[0]-1, x[-1]-0.25))
# p.y_range = Range1d(1.5 * min(y[-30:]), 1.5 * max(y[-30:]))
# p.xaxis[0].formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(months="%b %Y")

# always three equally spaced ticks
p.xaxis.ticker = CustomJSTicker(
        const start = Math.max(cb_data.range.start, 0)
        const end = Math.min(cb_data.range.end,
        const d = (end-start) / 4
        return [Math.round(start+d), Math.round(start+2*d), Math.round(start+3*d)]

# use the tick (i.e index) to look up the date string
p.xaxis.formatter = CustomJSTickFormatter(
    code="return[tick] "


@songdg There are only three ticks because that’s all the sample JS callback computes:

const d = (end-start) / 4
return [Math.round(start+d), Math.round(start+2*d), Math.round(start+3*d)]

If you just want N evenly spaces ticks, then divide N+1 and compute N values in the list followinfg the established pattern there already.

If you want something more sophisticated, e.g. compute a dynamic number of ticks based on how “wide” the plot is, how zoomed in it is, or something, that will take more work. But the point is the same: it’s up to you to define how the tick locations are picked, and implement your strategy in the callback code.

Problem solved :smile:, thank you very much.

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