How to add radio button to data table

I am new to Bokeh. I am trying to add a radio button on data table.

Primarily, I am trying to add various widgets on my data table for making interactive selections.

Please let me know, whether this is possible in bokeh.


Do you mean a radio button, literally in a DataTable row/column? AFAIK there are no built-in cell formatters or editors for this. One option would be to create custom extensions to Bokeh for "radio button" cell formatter and editor. This is not an entirely trivial task, but if you wanted to pursue this we would help and answer questions as best we could.

It is also *possible* that you might be able to use the existing HTMLTemplateFormatter in some way:

Basically by configuring it with an HTML template that has the button. But I have no direct experience to guarantee that this approach would work.




On Jun 28, 2016, at 4:04 PM, [email protected] wrote:

I am new to Bokeh. I am trying to add a radio button on data table.

Primarily, I am trying to add various widgets on my data table for making interactive selections.

Please let me know, whether this is possible in bokeh.


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I made myself familiar with bokeh yesterday using the movies example app.

It’s a great template but I could not figure out how to add several tabs.

I want all tabs to look the same: widgets on the left, graph and table vertically aligned on the right.

How could I add a few tabs within this template?

Many Thanks & Regards,

from os.path import dirname, join
from bokeh.models.widgets import Slider,CheckboxGroup,DataTable,MultiSelect,TableColumn

import numpy as np
import as psql
import sqlite3 as sql

from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, Div
from bokeh.models.widgets import Slider, Select, TextInput,DataTable
from []( import curdoc
from bokeh.sampledata.movies_data import movie_path

from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel, Tabs

conn = sql.connect(movie_path)
query = open(join(dirname(__file__), 'query.sql')).read()
movies = psql.read_sql(query, conn)

movies["color"] = np.where(movies["Oscars"] > 0, "orange", "grey")
movies["alpha"] = np.where(movies["Oscars"] > 0, 0.9, 0.25)
movies.fillna(0, inplace=True) # just replace missing values with zero
movies["revenue"] = movies.BoxOffice.apply(lambda x: '{:,d}'.format(int(x)))

with open(join(dirname(__file__), "razzies-clean.csv")) as f:
    razzies =
movies.loc[movies.imdbID.isin(razzies), "color"] = "purple"
movies.loc[movies.imdbID.isin(razzies), "alpha"] = 0.9

axis_map = {
    "Tomato Meter": "Meter",
    "Numeric Rating": "numericRating",
    "Number of Reviews": "Reviews",
    "Box Office (dollars)": "BoxOffice",
    "Length (minutes)": "Runtime",
    "Year": "Year",

desc = Div(text=open(join(dirname(__file__), "description.html")).read(), width=800)

# Create Input controls
reviews = Slider(title="Minimum number of reviews", value=80, start=10, end=300, step=10)
min_year = Slider(title="Year released", start=1940, end=2014, value=1970, step=1)
max_year = Slider(title="End Year released", start=1940, end=2014, value=2014, step=1)
oscars = Slider(title="Minimum number of Oscar wins", start=0, end=4, value=0, step=1)
boxoffice = Slider(title="Dollars at Box Office (millions)", start=0, end=800, value=0, step=1)
genre = Select(title="Genre", value="All",
               options=open(join(dirname(__file__), 'genres.txt')).read().split())
director = TextInput(title="Director name contains")
cast = TextInput(title="Cast names contains")
x_axis = Select(title="X Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value="Tomato Meter")
y_axis = Select(title="Y Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value="Number of Reviews")

# Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], color=[], title=[], year=[], revenue=[], alpha=[]))
columns = [
    TableColumn(field="name", title="Name"),
    TableColumn(field="x", title="X"),
    TableColumn(field="y", title="Y"),

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
    ("Title", "@title"),
    ("Year", "@year"),
    ("$", "@revenue")

p = figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=700, title="", toolbar_location=None, tools=[hover])"x", y="y", source=source, size=7, color="color", line_color=None, fill_alpha="alpha")

w4 = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, height=280)

tab1 = Panel(child=p, title="plot")
tab2 = Panel(child=w4, title="datatable")

def select_movies():
    genre_val = genre.value
    director_val = director.value.strip()
    cast_val = cast.value.strip()
    selected = movies[
        (movies.Reviews >= reviews.value) &
        (movies.BoxOffice >= (boxoffice.value * 1e6)) &
        (movies.Year >= min_year.value) &
        (movies.Year <= max_year.value) &
        (movies.Oscars >= oscars.value)
    if (genre_val != "All"):
        selected = selected[selected.Genre.str.contains(genre_val)==True]
    if (director_val != ""):
        selected = selected[selected.Director.str.contains(director_val)==True]
    if (cast_val != ""):
        selected = selected[selected.Cast.str.contains(cast_val)==True]
    return selected

def update():
    df = select_movies()
    x_name = axis_map[x_axis.value]
    y_name = axis_map[y_axis.value]

    p.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis.value
    p.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis.value
    p.title.text = "%d movies selected" % len(df) = dict(

controls = [reviews, boxoffice, genre, min_year, max_year, oscars, director, cast, x_axis, y_axis]
for control in controls:
    control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update())

sizing_mode = 'fixed' # 'scale_width' also looks nice with this example

inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode)

tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ tab1, tab2 ])

l = layout([
    [inputs, p],
], sizing_mode=sizing_mode)

update() # initial load of the data

curdoc().title = "Movies"

2016-07-02 18:47 GMT+01:00 Bryan Van de Ven [email protected]:

Do you mean a radio button, literally in a DataTable row/column? AFAIK there are no built-in cell formatters or editors for this. One option would be to create custom extensions to Bokeh for “radio button” cell formatter and editor. This is not an entirely trivial task, but if you wanted to pursue this we would help and answer questions as best we could.

It is also possible that you might be able to use the existing HTMLTemplateFormatter in some way:


Basically by configuring it with an HTML template that has the button. But I have no direct experience to guarantee that this approach would work.



On Jun 28, 2016, at 4:04 PM, [email protected] wrote:


I am new to Bokeh. I am trying to add a radio button on data table.

Primarily, I am trying to add various widgets on my data table for making interactive selections.

Please let me know, whether this is possible in bokeh.


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Tina Wenzel
23, Shaftesbury Rd

N19 4QW
(+44) 7553775883