How to hide non-int values in y axis


I’m using a scatterplot to graph values that are categorical on the y axis, but I set them up as floats to separate markers (I add or substract 0.1 to their y value so they don’t overlap if they are too close). When visualizing my plot, I use the yaxis.major_label_overrides to set up integers as strings for the categories I’m displaying and set up range limits so .

This works for the default graph but, when zooming in, some non-integer values start to appear in the y axis. I can manually override all values up to 1/10 since the graph probably won’t be zoomed in that much, but I would like to know if there’s a more elegant solution to this problem.

Thank you.

Found an old post for a different problem that solved my issue. Setting yaxis.ticker.min_interval to 1.0 made all non-integers disappear. I would still like to know if this is a robust solution or if I could still get tickers on non-integers with an interval of 1 between them.

Upcoming version 3.6 adds a CustomJSTicker affording complete control over all rick selection:

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