How can I move the Legend outside the diagram in a Bar plot? I am using this example:
from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show
from bokeh.layouts import row
# best support is with data in a format that is table-like
data = {
'sample': ['1st', '2nd', '1st', '2nd', '1st', '2nd'],
'interpreter': ['python', 'python', 'pypy', 'pypy', 'jython', 'jython'],
'timing': [-2, 5, 12, 40, 22, 30]
# x-axis labels pulled from the interpreter column, stacking labels from sample column
bar = Bar(data, values='timing', label='interpreter', stack='sample', agg='mean',
title="Python Interpreter Sampling", legend='top_right', plot_width=400)
# table-like data results in reconfiguration of the chart with no data manipulation
bar2 = Bar(data, values='timing', label=['interpreter', 'sample'],
agg='mean', title="Python Interpreters", plot_width=400)
show(row(bar, bar2))
The idea is to avoid overlapping the bars with the legends
<img src="//" alt="">
I'm ont sure this is possible (or at least not very easily possible) with bokeh.charts.Bar. For now, I'd encourage you to look at the new vbar and hbar glyphs added to bokeh.plotting:
# x-axis labels pulled from the interpreter column, stacking labels from sample column
bar = Bar(data, values='timing', label='interpreter', stack='sample', agg='mean',