With the code below i get a RuntimeError(‘Set changed size during iteration’,) message when clicking on the buttons, but the callback is doing exactly what it;s meant to do (adds buttons) and the added buttons work well too. It seems the set changed size error has no effect at all, or does it? Not sure if I should be concerned by it
I use python 3.7 and bokeh 1.1.0
from bokeh.io import curdoc
from bokeh.models import Button
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
On May 9, 2019, at 8:22 AM, Sébastien Roche <[email protected]> wrote:
With the code below i get a RuntimeError('Set changed size during iteration',) message when clicking on the buttons, but the callback is doing exactly what it;s meant to do (adds buttons) and the added buttons work well too. It seems the set changed size error has no effect at all, or does it? Not sure if I should be concerned by it
I use python 3.7 and bokeh 1.1.0
from bokeh.io import curdoc
from bokeh.models import Button
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox