What exact command are you using to invoke the application?
$ bokeh serve my_app --show
What is the exact directory hierarchy of the files?
my_app (folder)
main.py (code)
static (folder)
What messages appear in the JS console/network debugging tabs?
What errors appear in the bokeh server console log?
This is the only error I can find (404…):
$ bokeh serve my_app --show
Starting Bokeh server version 2.3.3 (running on Tornado 6.0.4)
User authentication hooks NOT provided (default user enabled)
Bokeh app running at: http://localhost:5006/my_app
Starting Bokeh server with process id: 16643
WebSocket connection opened
ServerConnection created
404 GET /static/picture.png (::1) 0.51ms
WebSocket connection closed: code=1001, reason=None
Inside main.py I have defined:
title = Div(text='<img src="static/picture.png">')
Then I put title inside a column to place it on top of a figure (outside of it).
Everything else works perfectly except for the figure which is not displayed.