inverting plot axis


I am interested in using bokeh to build an app to help my astrophysics group visualize our data. Bokeh is pretty awesome, I’ve been getting the hang of it over the past few days and tuned in for the webinar last afternoon.

I wanted to know if it is possible to invert the axis on a scatter plot. for example, my plot has the x range 12-16 by default, but I would like the axis to go from 16-12. Unfortunately, this is conventional for some astrophysical quantities, and plots are presented this way traditionally.

I’ve tried setting the xrange by hand with a command like this

scatter(x, y, x_range=Range1d(start=16, end=12)

and although the axis look right, the data does not show up (it usually does if the xrange keyword argument is omitted).

I also tried using the figure(xrange=Range1d(start=16, end=12)) method suggested on the user guide page on the bokeh home page, but got an error message saying figure does not expect any arguments. Do you have any suggestions? Or if there is no quick fix, a work around will do.

I hope I am not taking up too much of your time asking a resolved question-I checked around on the user guide, stackoverflow and general google searches, but was unable to find a solution.

Thank you!

Imran Hasan

SMARTS Data Manager

Yale University, Department of Astronomy

Hi Imran,

I am very glad you are interested in using Bokeh, your questions and feedback are very welcome!

It looks like you have uncovered a bug. I have filed an issue here that you can monitor for progress:

The next release is probably not until early July, however I will try to have tho fixed in GitHub Master in the next few days. Additionally, I am going to be setting up automated nightly dev builds for Bokeh, so that people can try out dev builds or get fixes easily in between releases, without having to build everything themselves. I will be posting to the mailing when the nightly builds become available.

Thanks again for your feedback!



On May 14, 2014, at 1:05 AM, Imran Hasan <[email protected]> wrote:


I am interested in using bokeh to build an app to help my astrophysics group visualize our data. Bokeh is pretty awesome, I've been getting the hang of it over the past few days and tuned in for the webinar last afternoon.

I wanted to know if it is possible to invert the axis on a scatter plot. for example, my plot has the x range 12-16 by default, but I would like the axis to go from 16-12. Unfortunately, this is conventional for some astrophysical quantities, and plots are presented this way traditionally.

I've tried setting the xrange by hand with a command like this

scatter(x, y, x_range=Range1d(start=16, end=12)

and although the axis look right, the data does not show up (it usually does if the xrange keyword argument is omitted).

I also tried using the figure(xrange=Range1d(start=16, end=12)) method suggested on the user guide page on the bokeh home page, but got an error message saying figure does not expect any arguments. Do you have any suggestions? Or if there is no quick fix, a work around will do.

I hope I am not taking up too much of your time asking a resolved question-I checked around on the user guide, stackoverflow and general google searches, but was unable to find a solution.

Thank you!

Imran Hasan
SMARTS Data Manager
Yale University, Department of Astronomy

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