Legend names according to column names of ColumnDataSource

Hey guys,

I try to plot a ColumnDataSource and set the legend names to the name of the data column, however this fails:

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
from bokeh.layouts import row

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data=None,index = range(0,100))

df['DATA_A'] = 0
df['DATA_B'] = 1

CDS= ColumnDataSource(df)

p1 = figure()
p1.line(x='index', y='DATA_A', source=CDS,line_color='green',legend='bla A')
p1.line(x='index', y='DATA_B', source=CDS,line_color='blue',legend='bla B')

p2 = figure()
p2.line(x='index', y='DATA_A', source=CDS,line_color='green',legend='DATA_A')
p2.line(x='index', y='DATA_B', source=CDS,line_color='blue',legend='DATA_B')


p1 shows the correct legend entries, p2 does not! I assume this is because ‘DATA_A’ and ‘DATA_B’ are column names of CDS.

So how can I set the legend to the column names of CDS?

Thanks for your help!

The capability to automatically generate legends by grouping the values in a CDS column is a new feature available as of Bokeh 0.12.3 and newer. It's "on" by default, but sometimes it's not what's desired. You can explicitly tell Bokeh that the legend is a value, and not a field:

  from bokeh.core.properties import value

  p2.line(x='index', y='DATA_B', source=CDS,line_color='blue',legend=value('DATA_B'))




On Nov 23, 2016, at 9:45 AM, 'chrstof' via Bokeh Discussion - Public <[email protected]> wrote:

Hey guys,

I try to plot a ColumnDataSource and set the legend names to the name of the data column, however this fails:

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
from bokeh.layouts import row

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data=None,index = range(0,100))

df['DATA_A'] = 0
df['DATA_B'] = 1

CDS= ColumnDataSource(df)

p1 = figure()
p1.line(x='index', y='DATA_A', source=CDS,line_color='green',legend='bla A')
p1.line(x='index', y='DATA_B', source=CDS,line_color='blue',legend='bla B')

p2 = figure()
p2.line(x='index', y='DATA_A', source=CDS,line_color='green',legend='DATA_A')
p2.line(x='index', y='DATA_B', source=CDS,line_color='blue',legend='DATA_B')


p1 shows the correct legend entries, p2 does not! I assume this is because 'DATA_A' and 'DATA_B' are column names of CDS.

So how can I set the legend to the column names of CDS?

Thanks for your help!

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Great, thanks for your help!


Am Sonntag, 27. November 2016 21:56:06 UTC+1 schrieb Bryan Van de ven:

The capability to automatically generate legends by grouping the values in a CDS column is a new feature available as of Bokeh 0.12.3 and newer. It’s “on” by default, but sometimes it’s not what’s desired. You can explicitly tell Bokeh that the legend is a value, and not a field:

    from bokeh.core.properties import value

    p2.line(x='index', y='DATA_B', source=CDS,line_color='blue',legend=value('DATA_B'))



On Nov 23, 2016, at 9:45 AM, ‘chrstof’ via Bokeh Discussion - Public [email protected] wrote:

Hey guys,

I try to plot a ColumnDataSource and set the legend names to the name of the data column, however this fails:

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file

from bokeh.layouts import row

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data=None,index = range(0,100))

df[‘DATA_A’] = 0

df[‘DATA_B’] = 1

CDS= ColumnDataSource(df)

p1 = figure()

p1.line(x=‘index’, y=‘DATA_A’, source=CDS,line_color=‘green’,legend=‘bla A’)

p1.line(x=‘index’, y=‘DATA_B’, source=CDS,line_color=‘blue’,legend=‘bla B’)

p2 = figure()

p2.line(x=‘index’, y=‘DATA_A’, source=CDS,line_color=‘green’,legend=‘DATA_A’)

p2.line(x=‘index’, y=‘DATA_B’, source=CDS,line_color=‘blue’,legend=‘DATA_B’)



p1 shows the correct legend entries, p2 does not! I assume this is because ‘DATA_A’ and ‘DATA_B’ are column names of CDS.

So how can I set the legend to the column names of CDS?

Thanks for your help!

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