Hi all,
I have a plot with 7 patches on it. They were added individually so I could specify a legend for each.
In the legend box, the items are not appearing in the same order the patches were added. I see this is also the same here: http://bokeh.pydata.org/docs/gallery/legend.html - the legend order is: [3sin, sin, 2sin] but the lines were added [sin, 2sin, 3sin].
Is there any way to specify the order of the legend or to force it to render in the same order that plotting functions are added?
Many thanks,
Sarah Bird
Never mind, I see this is a known bug: Legends don't appear on a plot in the order they're given · Issue #926 · bokeh/bokeh · GitHub
On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 10:04:16 UTC-7, Sarah Bird wrote:
Hi all,
I have a plot with 7 patches on it. They were added individually so I could specify a legend for each.
In the legend box, the items are not appearing in the same order the patches were added. I see this is also the same here: http://bokeh.pydata.org/docs/gallery/legend.html - the legend order is: [3sin, sin, 2sin] but the lines were added [sin, 2sin, 3sin].
Is there any way to specify the order of the legend or to force it to render in the same order that plotting functions are added?
Many thanks,
Sarah Bird
Yes, I was writing you about the already open issue… we will try to come up with a fix soon.
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Sarah Bird [email protected] wrote:
Never mind, I see this is a known bug: https://github.com/ContinuumIO/bokeh/issues/926
On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 10:04:16 UTC-7, Sarah Bird wrote:
Hi all,
I have a plot with 7 patches on it. They were added individually so I could specify a legend for each.
In the legend box, the items are not appearing in the same order the patches were added. I see this is also the same here: http://bokeh.pydata.org/docs/gallery/legend.html - the legend order is: [3sin, sin, 2sin] but the lines were added [sin, 2sin, 3sin].
Is there any way to specify the order of the legend or to force it to render in the same order that plotting functions are added?
Many thanks,
Sarah Bird
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