merge custom tool in grid layout

I started to try doing custom extensions for tools. Is there a way to get the custom tool to merge in the gridplot() toolbar when merge_tool = True?

In this example I just extend the reset tool so it prints something in the console when clicked. It works fine when i show the figure alone or when the gridplot toolbar has merge_tool = False.

from import show
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Tool
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot

reset_code = “”"
import * as p from “core/properties”
import {ResetTool,ResetToolView} from “models/tools/actions/reset_tool”

export class NewResetView extends ResetToolView

NewResetView::doit = →
console.log ‘TEST’
if @model.reset_size
return @plot_view.reset_dimensions()

export class NewReset extends ResetTool

default_view : NewResetView
type : “ResetTool”
tool_name : “NewReset”
icon : “bk-tool-icon-reset”

class NewReset(Tool):
implementation = reset_code

fig = figure()
fig.scatter(x=range(10),y=range(10)) += [NewReset()]

grid = gridplot([[fig]])

grid.children[0].merge_tools = False # if True, the new tool does not show up


It seems like I needed to give the new tool a new type too. The new reset tool was actually merged with the default reset tool in a reset button with name “Reset”

If there is not default reset tool in the grid, the “NewReset” tools will be merged together in a reset button with name “NewReset”

If I just do



then they will be merged as expected and there will be both a reset button with name “NewReset”, and a reset button with name “Reset” for the default tool

type must be the same as model name. We would auto-generate this if only any languages we use supported macros.


On Sep 6, 2017 16:07, “Sébastien Roche” [email protected] wrote:

It seems like I needed to give the new tool a new type too. The new reset tool was actually merged with the default reset tool in a reset button with name “Reset”

If there is not default reset tool in the grid, the “NewReset” tools will be merged together in a reset button with name “NewReset”

If I just do



then they will be merged as expected and there will be both a reset button with name “NewReset”, and a reset button with name “Reset” for the default tool

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