multithread session error

Hi guys,

I use multithread to update columndatasource and figure. after inplementation, I get this runtimewrror, and also I added lock in my code. the problem is still there. thanks for any feedback.

“thread pending writes should be non-None when have a document lick, and we should have the lock when the document changes”


Updates from threads must go through a "next_tick_callback" to ensure proper locking, as described in the documentation:

  Bokeh server — Bokeh 3.3.2 Documentation




On Jul 23, 2018, at 08:37, peng wang <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi guys,

I use multithread to update columndatasource and figure. after inplementation, I get this runtimewrror, and also I added lock in my code. the problem is still there. thanks for any feedback.

"thread pending writes should be non-None when have a document lick, and we should have the lock when the document changes"

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Thank you Buddy, the issue is gone. I like to post my solution below, just for reference


def update_main_plot_source(main_plot, main_plot_dict, depth_list, mainplot_data_all, mainplot_source):

def update_main_plot_chart( doc, \

update_main_plot_event, \

mainplot_source, \

main_plot, \

mainplot_data_all, \

checkbox_group_1_selections, \


checkbox_group_3_selections, \


rig, \

job, \



main_plot_dict = {}

depth_list =

if from_comboBx_group == True:

main_plot_dict = update_checkBx_groups_dict(all_connection_dict, \

rig, job, \

checkbox_group_1_selections, \


main_plot_dict, depth_list = update_main_plot_dict(main_plot_dict, checkbox_group_3_selections)


main_plot_dict = update_checkBx_groups_dict(all_connection_dict, \

rig, job)

main_plot_dict, depth_list = update_main_plot_dict(main_plot_dict)

depth_list = [str(x) for x in depth_list]

doc.add_next_tick_callback(partial(update_main_plot_source, main_plot = main_plot, main_plot_dict = main_plot_dict, depth_list = depth_list, mainplot_data_all = mainplot_data_all, mainplot_source = mainplot_source))

update_main_plot_queue = queue.Queue()

update_main_plot_event = threading.Event()

update_main_plot_thread = Thread(name='update_main_plot_thread', \

                                 target =  lambda q, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12: q.put(all_main_plot.update_main_plot_chart(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12)), \

                                 args = (update_main_plot_queue, \

                                         doc, \

                                         update_main_plot_event, \

                                         mainplot_source, \

                                         main_plot, \

                                         mainplot_data_all, \

                                         checkbox_group_1_selections, \


                                         checkbox_group_3_selections, \


                                         rig, \

                                         job, \






On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 9:40:25 AM UTC-6, Bryan Van de ven wrote:


Updates from threads must go through a “next_tick_callback” to ensure proper locking, as described in the documentation:




On Jul 23, 2018, at 08:37, peng wang [email protected] wrote:

Hi guys,

I use multithread to update columndatasource and figure. after inplementation, I get this runtimewrror, and also I added lock in my code. the problem is still there. thanks for any feedback.

“thread pending writes should be non-None when have a document lick, and we should have the lock when the document changes”

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