Panel Tabs Title position

Hi guys,

Based on this example:, I know how to use Panel and to add tabs. My question now is what I can do if I display “Tab Title” on panel bottom other than on the top. Or I should customize “css_classes”

Thanks for any suggestions.

Hi Guys,

I post my the solution below, It does not work. Can someone point out where the problem is? Thanks a lot

here is the code:


tab1 = Panel(title=‘Activity type Stats’, child=right_layout)

p2 = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300)

p2.line([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 2, 4, 5], line_width=3, color=“navy”, alpha=0.5)

tab2 = Panel(child=p2, title=“line”)

tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ tab1, tab2 ])

tabs.css_classes = [“tabsbackgroundcolorblack”]

main_layout = layout(row(menu_layout, tabs), sizing_mode=sizing_mode)


doc.theme = Theme(filename=“theme.yaml”)

css file:
.bk-widget, bk-layout-fixed, tabsbackgroundcolorblack {

background-color: grey;




On Friday, July 27, 2018 at 9:47:24 AM UTC-6, peng wang wrote:

Hi guys,

Based on this example:, I know how to use Panel and to add tabs. My question now is what I can do if I display “Tab Title” on panel bottom other than on the top. Or I should customize “css_classes”

Thanks for any suggestions.