Point selection tools not selecting points

For the Lasso, Box Select and Tap tools, I’ve run across a situation where selected Scatter points aren’t being highlighted when selected, and some outside the range are.

I’m grouping my data by Glyph and by Color. The selection is working fine when Color is ignored, but once a color grouping field is selected, the selection tools don’t work properly.

Here’s the relevant part of the code (the whole of it is pretty coupled to my environment, so I left it out):

self.tools = ‘pan,wheel_zoom,tap,lasso_select,reset’

	self.markers = ['circle', 'square', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'square', 'cross', 'x', 'asterisk', 'inverted_triangle', 'circle_cross', 'square_cross', 'circle_x', 'square_x']

	self.size = 10

	self.highlight_fill = 1

	self.default_fill = .1

def create_figure(self):


		x_lookup_val = my_pandas.get_parallel_col_val(self.fields_df, self.x.value, 'LabelName', 'FieldName')

		y_lookup_val = my_pandas.get_parallel_col_val(self.fields_df, self.y.value, 'LabelName', 'FieldName')

		xs = self.df[x_lookup_val].values

		ys = self.df[y_lookup_val].values

	except (KeyError, AssertionError):

		blank_set = [0 for i in range(len(self.df.index))]

		self.p = figure(plot_height=self.fig_height, plot_width=self.fig_width)

		if self.df.empty:

			if self.x.value == 'None' or self.y.value == 'None':

				blank_legend = 'data not loaded + missing x/y'


				blank_legend = 'data not loaded'


			blank_legend = 'missing x/y'

		o = self.p.scatter(x=blank_set, y=blank_set)

		self.p.add_layout(Legend(items=[(blank_legend, [o])], location=(35,-20), label_width=200), 'right')

		return self.p

	# prep plot

	kw = dict()

	x_title = self.x.value.title()

	y_title = self.y.value.title()

	kw['title'] = "%s vs %s" % (x_title, y_title)

	if x_lookup_val in self.discrete:

		kw['x_range'] = sorted(set(xs))

	if y_lookup_val in self.discrete:

		kw['y_range'] = sorted(set(ys))

	hover = HoverTool(tooltips='''<div>@des</div>''')

	kw['tools'] = [hover, self.tools]

	kw['toolbar_location'] = 'above'

	self.p = figure(plot_height=self.fig_height, plot_width=self.fig_width, **kw)

	self.p.xaxis.axis_label = x_title

	self.p.yaxis.axis_label = y_title

	if x_lookup_val in self.discrete:

		self.p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pd.np.pi / 4

	# set markers to differentiate sims

	num_markers = min(len(self.df['SimName'].unique()), len(self.markers))

	if num_markers > 1:

		m_discrete_idxs = self.df['SimName'].astype('category').cat.codes

		m = [self.markers[idx] for idx in m_discrete_idxs]

		self.df['plot_marker'] = m


		self.df['plot_marker'] = self.markers[0]

	# set for gradient

	if self.gradient.value != 'None':

		gradient_lookup_val = my_pandas.get_parallel_col_val(self.fields_df, self.gradient.value, 'LabelName', 'FieldName')

		self.df = self.df.sort([gradient_lookup_val])

		num_colors = len(self.df[gradient_lookup_val].unique())

		colors = gen_heatmap(num_colors)

		if num_colors > 1:

			if gradient_lookup_val in self.discrete:

				g_discrete_idxs = self.df[gradient_lookup_val].astype('category').cat.codes

				g = [colors[idx] for idx in g_discrete_idxs]


				g_groups = pd.cut(self.df[gradient_lookup_val].values, num_colors)

				g = [colors[idx] for idx in g_groups.codes]


			g = colors[0]

		self.df['plot_color'] = g


		self.df['plot_color'] = gen_heatmap(1)

	# set for transparency

	self.df['plot_highlight'] = 0

	for label_idx in self.sims.active:

		cur_sim = self.sims.labels[label_idx]

		selected_labels = [self.assets.labels[l_idx] for l_idx in self.assets.active]

		selected_assets = [my_pandas.get_parallel_col_val(self.assets_df, sl, 'LabelName', 'AssetName') for sl in selected_labels]

		min_constituent_pct = float(self.asset_pct.value)/100

		allocation_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.sim_dir, cur_sim, 'Allocation.csv'), index_col=0)

		highlighted_ports = allocation_df.loc[(allocation_df[selected_assets]>=min_constituent_pct).any(axis=1)].index.values

		if len(highlighted_ports):

			self.df.loc[(self.df['SimName'] == cur_sim) & (self.df['PortName'].isin(highlighted_ports)), 'plot_highlight'] = 1

	# gen legend, gen data points by group, apply to plot

	legend_items = []

	for marker_group, mg in self.df.groupby(['plot_marker']):

		legend_str = mg['SimName'].values[0]

		group_point_sets = []

		for marker_color_highlight_group, mchg in mg.groupby(['plot_color', 'plot_highlight']):

			if mchg['plot_highlight'].values[0] == 1:

				self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=mchg[x_lookup_val].values, y=mchg[y_lookup_val].values, des=mchg['Des'].values))

				o = self.p.scatter(x='x', y='y', source=self.source, marker=mchg['plot_marker'].values[0], color=mchg['plot_color'].values[0], size=self.size, fill_alpha=self.highlight_fill)


				self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=mchg[x_lookup_val].values, y=mchg[y_lookup_val].values, des=mchg['Des'].values))

				o = self.p.scatter(x='x', y='y', source=self.source, marker=mchg['plot_marker'].values[0], color=mchg['plot_color'].values[0], size=self.size, fill_alpha=self.default_fill)


		legend_items.append((legend_str, group_point_sets))

	legend = Legend(items=legend_items, location=(10,-30), label_width=150)

	self.p.add_layout(legend, 'right')

	return self.p