Possibilities of downloading BokehJS plot as a HTML file

I am creating a web app with BokehJS that allows users to load CSV or JSON files as data and view the plot. My app includes X and Y dropdown menus for users to select the data and plot it. I am looking for an option to download the plot as an HTML file so that users can share the HTML file instead of the input CSV or JSON file.
As my data is being dynamically loaded in my browser, I am not sure if it is possible to download the plot as an HTML file. If possible, please provide some JavaScript code examples.

@mateusz are there currently anything like the “embed” APIs on the BokehJS side?

I don’t actually think so, which means this would fall under “technically possible, but not simple or easy”. I don’t have any code for this specifically to share, in any case.

hi there, I have experimented with Pyscript as an alternative to embedding Bokeh in html

see this post at

also I import json data from an AWS S3 bucket, u can see this article here

I would appreciate your feedback and I hope this helps

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