I have a plot, plot is coming fine but the latitude and longitude label is not coming correct, Projection Error its showing , I try to do formatting using xformatter=’%.5f’ ,yformatter=’%.5f’ but still the result is same,
Kindly let me know how to solve this issue as my desire plot area is coming very small, lat long e power labels and zoom also not working.
Two things not coming:-
1- Not correct Latitude & Longitude labels
2- Map is not coming as background.
opts = dict(width=700, height=700,xformatter='%.5f' ,yformatter='%.5f', tools=['hover', 'save', 'wheel_zoom'], active_tools=['wheel_zoom'],
hooks=[plot_limits, disable_logo], colorbar=True, color_levels=15,
colorbar_opts=colorbar_opts, cmap=['#000080',
# '#ff6800',
], clim=(0, 15), title="\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Mean Wave Period (s) ",
fontsize={'title': 18, 'xlabel': 15, 'ylabel': 15, 'ticks': 12})
finalplot = Column(tiles * rasterize(hmap1).options(**opts) .opts(xformatter='%.5f' ,yformatter='%.5f',hooks=[absolute_position],
Thank you,
I will b glad to know the solution of above two issue.