Relative Rotation Graph using Bokeh

I need to make the bokeh version of Relative Rotaion Graph and animate it Here is the Link How to use Bokeh to achieve this ? Please help


That's a cool looking data application. I think it would be great to get that up and running on Bokeh. Your question is extremely broad, so the first step is to try and narrow things down a bit.

I am going to assume you are familiar with the data displayed in the link you gave, and how to generate or obtain it. Is that correct? If not, that's not really a Bokeh question. For instance, I am *not* familiar with those things, at all. So maybe you can provide more background and context for us to be able to help you?

Next, are you familiar with Bokeh at all? If not, the first step is to learn a bit about Bokeh. This will help you ask more narrow and focused questions. A good place to start is this very recent tutorial given at Strata:

Once you have a basic working knowledge of Bokeh, the next step would be to try and reproduce some static versions of those plots. Some of the pieces you will need for everything are:

* circle markers (\)

* maybe Area chart for smaller plot (\)
* or maybe hand-created patches (\)

* spans (\)
* labels (\)

The last parts to work on after getting static plots working are:

* adding the data table
* making it an interactive server app

But my suggestion is to simply start *very* simple, and when you get stuck on a particular, identifiable problem, come ask for help by describing the problem, what *exactly* you tried, and what did/didn't happen.




On Dec 8, 2016, at 11:51 AM, Gaurav Mishra <[email protected]> wrote:

I need to make the bokeh version of Relative Rotaion Graph and animate it Here is the Link Relative Rotation Graphs | RRG Charts | How to use Bokeh to achieve this ? Please help

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