reset_output() error

anyone familiar with the following warning/error:

call to reset_output() ignored when running scripts with the ‘bokeh’ command.

Bokeh apps (i.e. things run with "bokeh serve") are incompatible with "reset_output". [*] Or perhaps put differently: "reset_output" is not meaningful in the context of a Bokeh server app. The message is just informing you that those function calls will be ignored and discarded. The other option would have been a hard failure with an exception in this case but we decided it was more user-friendly to proceed with the message. You can either:

* ignore the messages (they are purely informative), or

* remove calls to reset_output (which has no use/purpose in a Bokeh server app)



[*] or "bokeh html" too, in case you happen to be running that, though I suppose I'd be surprised since we don't demonstrate that feature much.


On Apr 24, 2017, at 15:12, [email protected] wrote:

anyone familiar with the following warning/error:

call to reset_output() ignored when running scripts with the 'bokeh' command.

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