I want to create a graph that shows to data series (traces), one blue one red in combined line+scatter plot. I think I found out how to do this.
However I would also like hover information to be shown for the data points in that plot. If the cursor is on a datapoint from the first (red) trace, the x/y values for that data point should be shown, and if it is on a data point from the other trace, the information for that point should get shown.
However, I could not find out how to do this because the tooltip cannot be defined per trace but only for the plot containing those traces.
The closest I got is the code shown below which seems to show ALL y values from from all the traces in the hover information.
This is easy to do with Plotly, because the hover/tooltip information can be specified for each trace separately before combining the traces into the same plot.
Am I missing the proper way for how to do this in Bokeh?
(Using “$y” in place of “@y1” and “@y2” makes it impossible to show the name of the variable/trace selected which is important with crowded data)
import bokeh
print("bokeh", bokeh.__version__)
import bokeh.io
import bokeh.plotting
import numpy as np
import notebook, IPython, jupyter, jupyter_bokeh
print("notebook", notebook.__version__, "IPython", IPython.__version__, "jupyter", jupyter.__version__, jupyter_bokeh.__version__)
("x", "$x"),
("y1", "@y1"),
("y2", "@y2"),
"x1": x1,
"x2": x2,
"y1": y1,
"y2": y2,
source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data)
xdr = bokeh.models.Range1d(start=0, end=99)
fig = bokeh.plotting.figure(height=300, width=800,
tools="xpan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,xbox_select,reset", toolbar_location="above",
x_axis_location="above", x_range=xdr)
fig.line('x1', "y1", source=source, color="red")
fig.scatter('x1', "y1", source=source, color="red")
fig.line('x2', "y2", source=source, color="blue")
fig.scatter('x2', "y2", source=source, color="blue")