Simplest way to update a UI in a Jupyter notebook with new input data for the plots

I have created a Bokeh UI in a jupyter notebook. I’ve used a single input data snapshot for it and drawn all the plots I wanted to draw using that snapshot, but in reality I get a new input data snapshot every two minutes. I want my notebook to continually update when I receive a new input data snapshot. I have a Python command which queries for new input data snapshots, so an example of how I see this working is having a while loop of the form

while is_running:
   get input data snapshot
   process input data
   draw plots with bokeh

What is the correct tool to do this with Bokeh? Do I need to employ the full force of a Bokeh server or can this be done more simply in my notebook? Could someone point me to a relevant piece of documentation?

I have looked at Bokeh’s callbacks documentation, but this is not relevant to my use case as I am looking to update the actual input data to the plots, as opposed to having a slider which changes some parameter, for example.

You might consider push_notebook for this. I’m not in front of a real computer to look links up, but I’ll mention there are examples under the examples directory in the GitHub repo.