Size in hex bin plots for columndatasource


I’m trying to make a hex bin plot like plot.hexbin(‘x’,‘y’,size=1,source=source2)

But I get this error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: ‘str’ and 'str’

I guess this is because both x and y are called through columndatasource. Any solution/workaround for this? Or any issue from my end.?

Any inputs are appreciated.



The args for hex bin can only be NumPy Arrays. From the docstring:

    x (array[float]) :
      A NumPy array of x-coordinates to bin into haxagonal tiles.
    y (array[float]) :
      A NumPy array of y-coordinates to bin into haxagonal tiles.

Perhaps we can add better argument checking make this more obvious.




On Mar 29, 2018, at 18:39, Samira Kumar <[email protected]> wrote:


I'm trying to make a hex bin plot like plot.hexbin('x','y',size=1,source=source2)

But I get this error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'

I guess this is because both x and y are called through columndatasource. Any solution/workaround for this? Or any issue from my end.?

Any inputs are appreciated.


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