I am using the template of the spectrogram example to embed a static bokeh chart in a styled flask website.
I get strange style effects, which I presume can be blamed on a stylesheet clash.
1. Code of the template
(the notes ad the bottom explain the non-self-explanatory elements)
{% extends “base.html” %}
{% block content %}
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
{{ resources|indent(4)|safe }}
{{ script|indent(4)|safe }}
{{ div|indent(4)|safe }}
{% endblock %}
Notes to the code
resources are equal to plot_resources of line 42 of spectrogram.py. script and div are simply the components of my plot (a plain barchart)
the template inherits from a “base.html” template, which contains the following styling (it is the css of the flask.pocoo.org, which I like and you can find here)
**2. Image of the bokeh chart **
The black lines at the borders are not present when I do a simple show() of the chart or remove the stylesheet from base.html
Any idea on how to solve the styling clash? Thanks