Surface3D example results in a blank page


I was running through the example apps earlier, and could not get the surface3d example to display anything.

From within the examples/app/surface3d directory,

running bokeh serve --show results in a blank page (with both firefox and chrome on debian)

inspecting the blank html page reveals the following error log messages:

Bokeh: setting log level to: ‘info’

Uncaught ReferenceError: surface3d is not defined

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Bokeh: Websocket connection 0 is now open

Error: Module `Surface3d’ does not exists. The problem may be two fold. Either a model was requested that’s available in an extra bundle, e.g. a widget, or a custom model was requested, but it wasn’t registered before first usage.(…)

Bokeh: Failed to repull session Error: Module `Surface3d’ does not exists. The problem may be two fold. Either a model was requested that’s available in an extra bundle, e.g. a widget, or a custom model was requested, but it wasn’t registered before first usage.

If I make a new file containing the code from the wrapping a javascript library section of the user guide and run it, the surface plot is displayed.

Is there something the I need to install / enable in order to run the example app?

What version of bokeh
are you running and what version of the example.

Make sure the version of the example matches your ver sion of
bokeh e. g.

for Bokeh v0.12.2.

On 9/9/16 2:01 AM,

[email protected]


      I was running through the example apps earlier, and could

not get the surface3d example to display anything.

From within the examples/app/surface3d

running ** bokeh serve
–show** results in a blank page (with
both firefox and chrome on debian)

      inspecting the blank html page reveals the following error

log messages:


setting log level to: ‘info’


ReferenceError: surface3d is not defined

          Failed to

load resource: the server responded with a status of 404
(Not Found)


Websocket connection 0 is now open


Module `Surface3d’ does not exists. The problem may be two
fold. Either a model was requested that’s available in an
extra bundle, e.g. a widget, or a custom model was
requested, but it wasn’t registered before first usage.(…)


Failed to repull session Error: Module `Surface3d’ does
not exists. The problem may be two fold. Either a model
was requested that’s available in an extra bundle, e.g. a
widget, or a custom model was requested, but it wasn’t
registered before first usage.

If I make a new file containing the code from the wrapping
a javascript library
section of the user guide and run
it, the surface plot is displayed.

        Is there something the I need to install / enable in

order to run the example app?

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Sarah Bird
Developer, Bokeh

      ![Continuum Analytics](

Hi Sarah,

The installed Bokeh version is 0.12.2
bokeh -v

=> 0.12.2

I am using the code from the 0.12.2 tag of the bokeh repository

git status

=> HEAD detached at 0.12.2

I have looked at things a little more closely, and it seems that the index.html template is not being used.
As this template contains the url for the JS library, it doesn’t get downloaded and so the surface3d model can’t be loaded.

Viewing the page source for the ‘blank’ page reveals that it does not contain the script tag needed to load the JS library.

Following on from this, I ran the crossfilter app example which should also use a template, using bokeh serve --show from with the examples/app/crossfilter directory.

This time, the application loads. However, viewing the page source and comparing it with the template in the templates folder shows that the template is also not being loaded for this example.

The title in the template is ‘Bokeh Crossfilter Example’, but the title in the generated page is ‘Crossfilter’

Also, the style section of the template is not present in the generated page.

Somebody else had a similar problem on this
mailing list recently and I think we need to improve the documentation.

To run any of the folder examples:

from bokeh/examples/app

$ bokeh serve crossfilter --show

$ bokeh serve surface3d --show

OR From inside the directory I believe it’s

$ bokeh serve . --show


On 9/9/16 4:21 AM,

[email protected]

    I have looked at things a little more closely, and

it seems that the index.html template is not being used.
As this template contains the url for the JS library, it
doesn’t get downloaded and so the surface3d model can’t be

      Viewing the page source for the 'blank' page reveals that

it does not contain the script tag needed to load the JS

      Following on from this, I ran the crossfilter app example

which should also use a template, using bokeh serve --show from with the examples/app/crossfilter directory.

      This time, the application loads. However, viewing the page

source and comparing it with the template in the templates
folder shows that the template is also not being loaded for
this example.

      The title in the template is 'Bokeh Crossfilter Example',

but the title in the generated page is ‘Crossfilter’

      Also, the style section of the template is not present in

the generated page.

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Sarah Bird
Developer, Bokeh

      ![Continuum Analytics](

Argh! That works.

Thanks for figuring that out.


On Friday, 9 September 2016 23:17:31 UTC+2, Sarah Bird wrote:

    Somebody else had a similar problem on this

mailing list recently and I think we need to improve the documentation.

To run any of the folder examples:

from bokeh/examples/app

$ bokeh serve crossfilter --show

$ bokeh serve surface3d --show

OR From inside the directory I believe it’s

$ bokeh serve . --show

  On 9/9/16 4:21 AM, > [email protected] wrote:
    I have looked at things a little more closely, and

it seems that the index.html template is not being used.
As this template contains the url for the JS library, it
doesn’t get downloaded and so the surface3d model can’t be

      Viewing the page source for the 'blank' page reveals that

it does not contain the script tag needed to load the JS

      Following on from this, I ran the crossfilter app example

which should also use a template, using bokeh serve --show from with the examples/app/crossfilter directory.

      This time, the application loads. However, viewing the page

source and comparing it with the template in the templates
folder shows that the template is also not being loaded for
this example.

      The title in the template is 'Bokeh Crossfilter Example',

but the title in the generated page is ‘Crossfilter’

      Also, the style section of the template is not present in

the generated page.

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Groups “Bokeh Discussion - Public” group.

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send an email to [email protected].

  To post to this group, send email to [email protected].

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Sarah Bird
Developer, Bokeh

      <img alt="Continuum Analytics" src="" style="width:150px;min-height:30px" height="30px" width="150px">