TableColumn 's width not working with Bokeh 2.3.1


I have got a plot using the DataTable and TableColumn widgets. The table has got 2 columns, each column with its width.

I would expect to see the columns with a different width but instead the columns have the same width.
The code below used to work prior to Bokeh 2.3:

from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show

from bokeh.layouts import layout

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource

from bokeh.models import DataTable

from bokeh.models import TableColumn

from bokeh.models import Div

plot = figure(

    plot_height=300, plot_width=1000,

    title='Data table test',



conf_legend = {

    'name': ['Config 1', 'Config 2', 'Config 3'],

    'description': [

        'Config1: No shuts schedules:\n Config1:No shuts,\nNo Filter:No Filter,\nConfig1:Optimiser setting for no shuts schedules',

        'Config2: shuts(all filters) schedules (30s/60s max solve time):\n Config2:NETPASS live shuts,\nConfig2:All filters,\nConfig2:Optimiser settings for shuts schedules (30s max solve time)',

        'Config2: shuts(all filters) schedules (30s/60s max solve time):\n Config2:NETPASS live shuts,\nConfig2:All filters,\nConfig5:Optimiser settings for shuts schedules (60s max solve time)'



source = ColumnDataSource(conf_legend)

columns = [

    TableColumn(field="name", title="Name", width=10),

    TableColumn(field="description", title="Description", width=990),


data_table = DataTable(

    source=source, columns=columns, width=1000, height=150,





plots_layout = layout([






Please can you advice how to make it work?

@Gilles Please see this question which may be the same: