I am building several plots with DataColumnSources made from a pandas data frame with the following structure:
<class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’>
DatetimeIndex: 2599 entries, 2005-02-16 to 2015-08-26
Data columns (total 8 columns):
col1 2599 non-null float64
col2 2599 non-null float64
col3 2599 non-null float64
col4 2599 non-null float64
col5 2599 non-null float64
col6 2599 non-null float64
col7 2599 non-null float64
col8 2599 non-null float64
the plots are collected in a dictionary and bokeh.embed.components is called (just like the embed_multiple.py example) then they are used in a render_template flask call (as a return of a route function).
I get the following error: “TypeError: <plotters.IHPlots object at 0x107b669b0> is not JSON serializable”
Is it the datetime64 or float64 that (still) create issues (I found a github issue about int64)?
PS: the ultimate goal is not to call render_template but to pass them back to a JQuery request to avoid rendering the whole page.
Hi Alex,
I’m guessing that you’ve made your column data source using a data frame that includes a column of “plotters.IHPlots” objects - which aren’t serializable.
If this isn’t it, then you need to provide more information - a copy of your data and code.
Sarah Bird
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 2:37 AM, Alexandre Avanian [email protected] wrote:
I am building several plots with DataColumnSources made from a pandas data frame with the following structure:
<class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’>
DatetimeIndex: 2599 entries, 2005-02-16 to 2015-08-26
Data columns (total 8 columns):
col1 2599 non-null float64
col2 2599 non-null float64
col3 2599 non-null float64
col4 2599 non-null float64
col5 2599 non-null float64
col6 2599 non-null float64
col7 2599 non-null float64
col8 2599 non-null float64
the plots are collected in a dictionary and bokeh.embed.components is called (just like the embed_multiple.py example) then they are used in a render_template flask call (as a return of a route function).
I get the following error: “TypeError: <plotters.IHPlots object at 0x107b669b0> is not JSON serializable”
Is it the datetime64 or float64 that (still) create issues (I found a github issue about int64)?
PS: the ultimate goal is not to call render_template but to pass them back to a JQuery request to avoid rendering the whole page.
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You make a good point that there is no reason for the render_template to even know about IHPlots. It’s a class that contains the data, plot parameters and builds the plots, export the script/divs. There is no instance of it attached to or contained by anything I pass to the plots
Following that, I took the embed_multiple.py example, replace the plots by my input and it worked so I realized I was attaching the object to the session and somehow this must be jsoned between views, if I del that entry from the session, the error went away. Nothing to do with Bokeh.
Sorry about that and thanks
On Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 5:52:23 PM UTC+8, Sarah Bird wrote:
Hi Alex,
I’m guessing that you’ve made your column data source using a data frame that includes a column of “plotters.IHPlots” objects - which aren’t serializable.
If this isn’t it, then you need to provide more information - a copy of your data and code.
Sarah Bird
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 2:37 AM, Alexandre Avanian [email protected] wrote:
I am building several plots with DataColumnSources made from a pandas data frame with the following structure:
<class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’>
DatetimeIndex: 2599 entries, 2005-02-16 to 2015-08-26
Data columns (total 8 columns):
col1 2599 non-null float64
col2 2599 non-null float64
col3 2599 non-null float64
col4 2599 non-null float64
col5 2599 non-null float64
col6 2599 non-null float64
col7 2599 non-null float64
col8 2599 non-null float64
the plots are collected in a dictionary and bokeh.embed.components is called (just like the embed_multiple.py example) then they are used in a render_template flask call (as a return of a route function).
I get the following error: “TypeError: <plotters.IHPlots object at 0x107b669b0> is not JSON serializable”
Is it the datetime64 or float64 that (still) create issues (I found a github issue about int64)?
PS: the ultimate goal is not to call render_template but to pass them back to a JQuery request to avoid rendering the whole page.
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