Updating Circle chart using Slider + JS Callback fails - but not all the time (Uncaught Error: Sizemismatch

I wrote a function that updates a Column Data Source to a Slider value and uses that CDS as a source for a circle plot. I am finding that sometimes the plot works great, but other times I will throw a Size mismatch error – despite the fact that column lengths are in fact equal at every value of the filter. As an example of a “change” that will cause the plot to have a script error: I will slightly change the logic of a grouped column to make the data less aggregated, changing nothing else about the function/code, and will then throw an error. If I play around with filtering the data, I’ve found pockets of the data that will not throw an error - but I can’t find a pattern that indicates why.

Below is an example of the functioning plot [the slider is above, and filtering the CDS on a date column]. I’ve found that when I slightly alter the data (more or less groups [bubbles] per value on the x-axis), it can trigger the size mismatch error]

def bubble_chart(df, metric, 
                note_dictionary = False):

    #update metric column name to "metric" for easier dynamic functions
    df = df.rename(columns={metric:'metric'})
    #slider struggles handling monthly timestamp values - so instead use an index -- later we create a Div to show the actual date string the index corresponds to
    date_values = df.groupby('acquired_month').size().reset_index().reset_index().rename(columns= {'index':'date_value'})
    date_values['date_value'] = date_values['date_value']
    df = df.merge(date_values[['acquired_month',
                              'date_value']], on = 'acquired_month',how = 'left')
    string_month_list = df['acquired_month'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m').sort_values(ascending=True).unique()
    #use this variable to incorporate dynamic notes for each month flash
    if note_dictionary:
        list_update = []
        for val in string_month_list:
                list_update.append(val + ': ' + note_dictionary[val])
                #exception for where certain months do not have a note
        string_month_list = list_update
    #create slider
    date_slider = Slider(title='Acquired Month', bar_color = 'blue', start=df.date_value.min(), end=df.date_value.max(), step=1,value=df.date_value.min())
    #create div
    div = Div(text= f'<b>{string_month_list[0]}</b>')
    #create source and reference source variables -- the reference source will never change, but the source will update depending on the slider values
    source = ColumnDataSource(df)
    ref_source = ColumnDataSource(df)
    #general structure of JS code below: create variables for each column of data, create new variables by looping through the original columns and finding the values at the same index where the Slider value exists. 
    #then update the source data columns to use the filtered columns from the reference source
    #lastly, update the Div text using the Slider value
    js_code = """

    var source_data = source.data
    var ref_source_data = ref_source.data

    var date_value = ref_source_data['date_value']
    var rate = ref_source_data['metric']
    var size = ref_source_data['all_time_index']
    var share = ref_source_data['share_by_month_cohort']
    var rounded_itacs = ref_source_data['rounded_acquired_itacs']
    var color = ref_source_data['color']
    var prod = ref_source_data['first_product']
    var month = ref_source_data['acquired_month']
    var alpha = ref_source_data['alpha']
    var date_value_ = []
    var rate_ = []
    var size_ = []
    var share_ = []
    var rounded_itacs_ = []
    var color_ = []
    var prod_ = []
    var month_ = []
    var alpha_ = []
    var f = date_slider.value
    for(var i=0; i < date_value.length; i++){
        if (date_value[i] == f ) {
    source_data['date_value'] = date_value_
    source_data['metric'] = rate_
    source_data['all_time_index'] = size_
    source_data['share_by_month_cohort'] = share_
    source_data['rounded_acquired_itacs'] = rounded_itacs_
    source_data['color'] = color_
    source_data['first_product'] = prod_
    source_data['acquired_month'] = month_
    source_data['alpha'] = alpha_

    div.text = string_month_list[f]
    #create plot figure and layout
    p = figure(title = f'{metric} cut by acquring product + first itacs', 
               width=1500, height=500, y_range=(0, 0.15), background_fill_color = 'white')
    p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
    p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None
    p.add_layout(Legend(), 'right')
    #create actual circle plot, using "source" as the source, since this data will update as the Slider value updates
             legend_field = 'first_product',
             size = 'all_time_index',
             color = 'color', 
             source = source, 
    #create customjs callback
                                string_month_list = string_month_list,
                               date_slider = date_slider
#                                 itacs_slider = itacs_slider

    hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
        ('Acquired ITACs', '@rounded_acquired_itacs'),
        (f'{metric}', '@metric{0, 0.000}'),
        ('Share of Cohort', '@share_by_month_cohort{0,0.00}')
    #initiate impact of js code
    date_slider.js_on_change('value', callback)
#     itacs_slider.js_on_change('value',itacs_callback)
    layout = column(
#                     itacs_slider,

    html = file_html(layout, CDN, "plot_adoption")

It’s hard to speculate without actual code to consider. It’s always advised to provide a complete Minimal Reproducible Example so that anyone who wants to try to help can have everything they need to investigate directly.

Otherswise, all I can suggest is that the columns of Bokeh CDS always all have to have the same length, at all times. If your JS code is updating individual columns in place and replacing some with different lengths, that could explain. It’s always a good idea to update and entire CDS .data dict “all at once”, i.e. source.data = new_data.

Appreciate the feedback – I just pasted the function example. I am definitely employing a bug prone methodology as you mentioned, by updating individual columns in place. I wonder if there is another solution that just updates the entire source data set to be equal to the reference data set at the indices where the Slider filter is satisfied

I suspect you are updating some but not all columns of source via ref_source. This would lead to column length mismatches.

One way to check and simplify this is a) console.log source.data at the start of the callback (to see what it looks like), then b) stick all your populated arrays into a single object (and console.log that) before setting it to source.data.

console.log(source.data) //look at it
//.... do your thing populating all the arrays etc.

//all arrays into one object
var upd_data = {'date_value' : date_value_ , 'metric': rate_,  .... //etc
console.log(upd_data) // look at what you're about to set. Does it have the same keys as source.data or is it missing some?
//then when you think you have that sorted out/figured out... assign it to source.data
//source.data = upd_data
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Thank you! Checking and simplifying helped me fix this :slight_smile:


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