Updating Span in add_layout

I have the following two functions for making a plot and updating it

def make_bar(df, x, y, label, color, color_mapper):

“”" Creates a bar chart in bokeh"""

p = figure(title=“Current Probability and Recommendations”,

x_range= df.data, webgl=True,



labels = LabelSet(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_font_size = “9pt”, level=‘glyph’,

x_offset=-25, y_offset=0, source=source, render_mode=‘canvas’)

#p.segment(df.data, df.high, df.date, df.low, color=“black”)

p.vbar(x= x,





fill_color={‘field’: color, ‘transform’: color_mapper},

source = df)


p.yaxis[0].axis_label = ‘Probability of Success’

hline = Span(location=source.data[y][0], dimension=‘width’,

line_color=‘black’, line_width=2, line_dash = “dotted”)


return p

def update_plot():

“”" Updates dashboard when Update Button

is pressed. “”"

f = mapFilters()

model_input_vector = models.make_vector(mapPredictors(f)) # vector formated for input

output = models.make_changes(model_input_vector, rf, lr) # get recommendations

src = ColumnDataSource(data=output) # convert to bokeh column source

source.data.update(src.data) # update primary source with new one


prob = rf.predict_proba(model_input_vector)[:,1] # probability of current model, if needed

updating div

recDiv.text = t.render(df=output)

I am trying to update the Span that I am using to create a dotted line. I used this code to add it, as shown above:

hline = Span(location=source.data[y][0], dimension=‘width’,

line_color=‘black’, line_width=2, line_dash = “dotted”)


You can see in my update_plot function that I am trying to update the location, but it’s not working (not that I expected it to). Everything else in my plot updates when I update the source data using source.data.update(src.data).

How do you update the location of spans on data update?

Resolved this by passing hline in the return and then updating the location of that variable. Will leave for posterity.


On Monday, April 24, 2017 at 10:09:44 PM UTC-4, Laura Suttle wrote:

I have the following two functions for making a plot and updating it

def make_bar(df, x, y, label, color, color_mapper):

“”" Creates a bar chart in bokeh"“”

p = figure(title=“Current Probability and Recommendations”,

x_range= df.data, webgl=True,



labels = LabelSet(x=x, y=y, text=label, text_font_size = “9pt”, level=‘glyph’,

x_offset=-25, y_offset=0, source=source, render_mode=‘canvas’)

#p.segment(df.data, df.high, df.date, df.low, color=“black”)

p.vbar(x= x,





fill_color={‘field’: color, ‘transform’: color_mapper},

source = df)


p.yaxis[0].axis_label = ‘Probability of Success’

hline = Span(location=source.data[y][0], dimension=‘width’,

line_color=‘black’, line_width=2, line_dash = “dotted”)


return p

def update_plot():

“”" Updates dashboard when Update Button

is pressed. “”"

f = mapFilters()

model_input_vector = models.make_vector(mapPredictors(f)) # vector formated for input

output = models.make_changes(model_input_vector, rf, lr) # get recommendations

src = ColumnDataSource(data=output) # convert to bokeh column source

source.data.update(src.data) # update primary source with new one


prob = rf.predict_proba(model_input_vector)[:,1] # probability of current model, if needed

updating div

recDiv.text = t.render(df=output)

I am trying to update the Span that I am using to create a dotted line. I used this code to add it, as shown above:

hline = Span(location=source.data[y][0], dimension=‘width’,

line_color=‘black’, line_width=2, line_dash = “dotted”)


You can see in my update_plot function that I am trying to update the location, but it’s not working (not that I expected it to). Everything else in my plot updates when I update the source data using source.data.update(src.data).

How do you update the location of spans on data update?