using bokeh in Android

using bokeh in Android would be a great opportunity. As we can plot in matplotl8b in pydroid App, now waiting for bokeh availability.
Piash, Bangladesh


There are certainly areas for mobile improvement (especially around some of the more mouse-centric tools), but Bokeh content just needs a reasonably modern web browser to render it, nothing more. There is no reason it should not work on Chrome in Android already, today. I am not familiar at all with pydroid, but I can state confidently that the core team does not in any way have the resources to support a specialized IDE. If you would like to work on some custom integration we are happy to answer questions or provide guidance as best we can.




On Jan 5, 2019, at 02:16, [email protected] wrote:

using bokeh in Android would be a great opportunity. As we can plot in matplotl8b in pydroid App, now waiting for bokeh availability.
Piash, Bangladesh

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Necesitaría un ejemplo de como poder usar bokeh en Pydroid, con un ejemplo sencillo para generar un gráfico de líneas con un par de listas x = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]
y = [y1, y2, y3, y4, y5]