Visual Programming Widget/Framework


I’m pretty new to Bokeh and therefore a bit lost where to even look.

I want to add a “visual programming editor” to my page. Something like Node-RED or Rete.js for example. The idea is that the user can edit connections of some underlying model before I visualize the data.

As far as I can tell, there’s no built-in Bokeh widget that provides something similar, right? Therefore, how do I start to integrate one of the above libraries with Bokeh? Is this difficult? And/or any other suggestions?


As far as I can tell, there’s no built-in Bokeh widget that provides something similar, right?


Bokeh does support creating custom extensions. But I will caution that this is definitely advanced and/or experimental territory. BokehJS is still under very heavy development, and custom extensions written today may need updates to continue to work with future versions of Bokeh.

All that said, it’s unclear from your question whether an extension would be necessary at all or not. An extension is useful for when you want to deeply adapt some external component to participate with Bokeh’s eventing, layout, and properties systems. If you just need Bokeh content next to these other JS tools, on the same page, you can use any of the various Bokeh embedding APIs to accomplish that without making any extensions.

Hi, thanks for this insightful answer. Given what you wrote about Bokeh rapidly changing (which generally is a good thing) and the complexity of fully integrating such a framework, I started exploring options following you advise of “running on the side” (or rather in the Browser) of Bokeh and just sending the result over. This looks very promising. Thanks for potentially saving me from a lengthy goose chase :smile:

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