Why is there a link to octopart.com in bokeh-tables.js?


Looking at the minified version of the bokeh tables script (<cdn_url>/bokeh/release/bokeh-tables-3.6.2.min.js) there is a link that I’m puzzled with:

Looking at octopart.com, it’s a search engine for electronic components.

I’ve clone the repo to see if the url is mentioned anywhere and to get a clue to how it’s used but I can’t find any mention in the source code.

I’m no javascript developer and have no clue on how the minified files are build/generated so I’m probably missing something obvious.

I can see it’s present at least since 3.0.0. (I can’t post the link here as new users can only post two links in a post)
It’s only present in the bokeh-tables js files. Not the other ones.

Would anyone know the purpose of this link?

Thanks for your help.

(Sorry for not posing the full links but looks like new users have some limits on this regard)

Bokeh tables are a thin wrapper around SlickGrid, so I expect it must be coming from there.

GitHub - 6pac/SlickGrid: A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet

Edit: yup

 * A sample AJAX data store implementation.
 * Right now, it's hooked up to load search results from Octopart, but can
 * easily be extended to support any JSONP-compatible backend that accepts paging parameters.

If we were the developers of SlickGrid, we wouldn’t choose to include a sample location as a default like that directly in library code, but SlickGrid is developed by other people outside Bokeh. You’ll have to ask them on their tracker what the rationale was.

Thanks for the quick and very clear response. I’ll try my luck again with the SlickGrid maintainers.

Have a good day.