I’m trying to get a data table to show the data that’s presented in the figure, not the original source. I don’t know how to do this with any kind of Javascript code, which it looks like I’ll need.
I’ve found this Stackoverflow thread, and I tried doing this but it didn’t work and it said no bueno because I’m trying to mix Python and Java callbacks, or something along those lines.
I had originally thought doing it all in Python would be better but this talk of servers (which I know nothing about) scares me, and I also want to create something that’s highly transferrable, so perhaps Java is the way to go. I’m trying to create something that can be emailed, I don’t know how to write Javascript but I can sorta adapt it.
Here’s my simplified code which demonstrates the issue. When looking at the datatable and filtering down I want there to be fewer rows showing:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import Slider, Panel, CustomJSFilter, CDSView, ColumnDataSource, CustomJS, Tabs
from bokeh.models.widgets import TableColumn, DataTable
from bokeh.layouts import column, layout
data = dict(Apples=[97, 34, 23, 6, 26, 97, 21, 92, 73, 10, 92, 14, 77, 4, 25, 48, 26, 39, 93],
Not_Cancelled=[87, 63, 56, 38, 57, 63, 73, 56, 30, 23, 66, 47, 76, 15, 80, 78, 69, 87, 28],
OnTime_Arrivals=[21, 65, 86, 39, 32, 62, 46, 51, 17, 79, 64, 43, 54, 50, 47, 63, 54, 84, 79])
source = ColumnDataSource(data=data)
MinApples = Slider(start=0, value=50, end=100, step=1)
MinApples.js_on_change('value', CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code="""source.change.emit()"""))
custom_filter = CustomJSFilter(args=dict(source=source, MinApples=MinApples), code='''
var indices = [];
for (var i = 0; i < source.get_length(); i++){
if (source.data['Apples'][i] > MinApples.value){
} else {
return indices;
view = CDSView(source=source, filters=[custom_filter])
p = figure()
p.circle('OnTime_Arrivals', 'Not_Cancelled', source=source, view=view, size=20)
-- what do I put in here and how do I create a callback? some kind of .js_on_change event like with the slider?
table = DataTable(source= source, editable =True, reorderable =True, columns= [
TableColumn(field="Apples", title="Apples"),
TableColumn(field="Not_Cancelled", title="Not_Cancelled"),], sizing_mode = "stretch_both")
tab1 = Panel(child=p, title="Plot")
tab2 = Panel(child=table, title="Data")
tabs = Tabs(tabs = [tab1, tab2])
controls = [MinApples]
inputs = column(*controls, width = 300)
inputs.sizing_mode = "stretch_height"
l = layout([[inputs, tabs]], sizing_mode="stretch_both")
Sorry that this is such a basic question but I asked yesterday about where to ask and carolyn’s response was supportive, recommending to ask it here.
Could someone please point me in the right direction?