Ploting Problems with stacked Plot (varea_stack)

Hello, I am having a wired problem in the layout of the varea_stack plot:
as a source I have a pd DataFrame that looks a little like this:

                 budf0                budf1  ...         budf9        budf10
0   2004-09-22 00:00:00  2004-09-22 00:00:00  ...      0.000000   8369.992188
1   2004-09-22 00:00:00  2004-09-22 00:00:00  ...      0.000000   8369.992188
2   2004-09-22 00:00:00  2004-09-22 00:00:00  ... -62263.421875   8369.992188
3   2004-09-22 00:00:00  2004-09-22 00:00:00  ... -60510.796875   8369.992188
4   2004-09-22 00:00:00  2004-09-22 00:00:00  ... -66217.226562   8369.992188
..                  ...                  ...  ...           ...           ...
792 2018-08-22 00:59:00  2018-08-22 00:59:00  ...  73861.562500  32149.527344
793 2018-09-01 00:25:00  2018-09-01 00:25:00  ...  73885.562500  32149.527344
794 2018-09-20 00:59:00  2018-09-20 00:59:00  ...  73959.929688  32149.527344
795 2018-09-21 00:59:00  2018-09-21 00:59:00  ...  73989.625000  32149.527344
796 2018-09-22 00:59:00  2018-09-22 00:59:00  ...  88514.390625  32149.527344

i want to do an varea_stack plot with “budf0” on the x axis and “budf3” - “budf10” as stackers, so my code looks like this:

stackPlot = figure() 
stackPlot.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter()
stackNames = [f"budf{i}" for i in range(3,len(filteredDf.columns))]
stackPlot.varea_stack(stackers=stackNames, x="budf0", color=brewer['Spectral'][len(stackNames)], source=filteredDf)

when i run this piece of code my plot looks like this:

the plot above is definitively not correct. (the graphs are just wrong)
However, when I plot each column of my source one after another like so:


for i in range(len(budfs)):
    y.varea_stack(stackers=[budfs[i]],x="budf0", color=colo[i], source=filteredDf)

then the shape of the graph looks correct, like this:

But this is not varea_stack plot anymore, it is just each column plotted on top of each other. Can someone tell me what I do wrong? And why my original plot looks so wrong?

thanks very much in Advance

I don’t really understand in what sense the second plot can “look correct” if it is bars plotted on top of one another, but what you want is bars that are stacked.

In any case, it’s not really possible to speculate without a complete Minimal Reproducible Example that can actually be run and investigated.

Edit: actually it appears you have negative bars? You will need to split the data into two groups for two separate calls to vbar_stack similar to this example.

Sorry for the late response.
Thanks a lot for your answer. I guess i didn’t undstand fully what the stacked plot actually does. Splitting the data in negative and positive value groups was a really good advice. Thanks now everything runs as expected.

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